
Terms for subject Drilling containing margins | all forms
drilling marginширина окна бурения на репрессии (The difference between the maximum pore pressure and the minimum effective fracture pressure. It is used while drilling and can be determined for any point within an open-hole interval. NOTE: Drilling margin is usually expressed in terms of equivalent mud weight. Also called: drilling window or operating margin ixtra)
lower marginнижний предел (MichaelBurov)
margin of overpullмаксимальное осевое усилие при подъёме инструмента (Kazuroff; Margin of overpull is additional tension to be applied when pulling the stuck drill string without breaking the tensile limit of the drill string. This is the difference between maximum allowable tensile load of drill string and hook load. Это не максимальное усилие, а максимальная затяжка сверх веса на крюке, как следует из определения. traduiser)
trip marginзапас увеличения плотности бурового раствора для компенсации поршневого эффекта при подъёме труб (Определение этого термина: Trip margin is an increment of drilling mud density to provide overbalance so as to compensate the swabbing effect while pulling out of hole. Углов)
upper marginверхний предел (MichaelBurov)