
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing making up | all forms | in specified order only
make it upпомириться (chiefly British usage: to become friendly again after being angry (Merriam-Webster): "Telling a fellow he was getting a double chin!" "Did she do that?" "She did." "Oh, well, girls will be girls. Forget it, Tuppy. Go to her and make it up." He shook his head. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ступай к ней и помирись ART Vancouver)
make someone sit up and take noticeзаставить заинтересоваться (Andrey Truhachev)
make someone sit up and take noticeзаинтересовать (Andrey Truhachev)
make someone sit up and take noticeзаинтриговать (Andrey Truhachev)
make someone sit up and take noticeзаставить проявить интерес (Andrey Truhachev)
make someone sit up and take noticeзаставить прислушаться (Andrey Truhachev)
make up as goes alongимпровизировать (None of us really knew how to play the game, so we just made it up as we went along. VLZ_58)
make up as goes alongсочинять на ходу (I completely forgot the rest of my speech halfway through, so I just started making the rest up as I went along. VLZ_58)
make up for somethingвосполнить что-то (anadyakov)
make up groundнаверстать упущенное (We're behind in the schedule, and we'll just have to make up ground as best we can. fddhhdot)