
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing made of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a wreath made of myrtle leavesмирт
articles made of rubberкаучуки
beverage made of fruitsводица
beverage made of fruits, spices, and alcoholводица
dress made of striped coarse cotton fabricзатрапезка
everyday dress made of striped coarse cotton fabricзатрапез
everyday dress made of striped coarse cotton fabricзатрапеза
everyday dress made of such fabricзатрапеза
made from the sale of alcoholic beveragesпропойный
made of clayскудельный (Anglophile)
made of coarse linenкрашенинный
made of coarse thick linenкрашенинный
made of coral beadsкорольков (= коральковый)
made of coral beadsкорольковый (= коральковый)
made of coral beadsкоральковый
made of crystalкристальный
made of damask steelукладный
made of damask steelукладный
made of hairвласяной
made of hempзамашный
made of leatherусменный
made of mapleяворчатый (от: явор, яров (вид клёна) MichaelBurov)
made of mapleяровчатый (от явор, яров (вид клёна) MichaelBurov)
made of nankeenкитаечный (nankeen is a kind of pale yellowish cloth, originally made at Nanjing from a yellow variety of cotton, but subsequently manufactured from ordinary cotton which is then dyed)
made of plumsсливный (= сливовый)
made of sackclothмешечный (= мешочный)
made of sackingмешечный (= мешочный)
made of silkматерчатый
made of striped coarse cotton fabricзатрапезный
made of tarmalamaтармаламовый
made of thick linenкрашенинный
made of tilesизразчатый
made of tilesчерепичатый (= черепитчатый)
of cloth made of undyed gray woolсмурый
made of woodщепяной (= щепной)
made of woodщепенный (= щепной)
make a feast in honor ofфетировать (impf and pf)
make a feast in honour ofфетировать (impf and pf)
make a laughingstock ofрядить шутами
make a laughingstock ofцыганить
make a laughingstock ofрядить в шуты
make efforts on behalf ofохлопатывать
make fun ofтешиться (with над)
make fun ofпотешиться (with над)
make fun ofутешаться над
make fun ofглумить
make no mention ofперемалчивать (impf of перемолчать)
make part ofвлиять
make part ofвлияться
make the sign of the crossосеняться (over)
make the sign of the cross overосенить (pf of осенять)
make the sign of the crossосениться (over)
make the sign of the crossосенять (over)
make the sign of the cross overосенять (impf of осенить)
make the sign of the crossосенить (over)
outer garment made of friezeфризка
summer peasant's caftan made of homespun fabricпониток
summer peasant's caftan made of homespun fabricпониток
tobacco box made of birch barkтавлинка
tobacco box made of birch barkтавлинка