
Terms for subject General containing made mention | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
he made mention of the factон упомянул об этом (факте)
make a passing mentionвскользь коснуться (Barack Obama made only passing mention of what has been such a difficult problem for his administration, the war in Afghanistan. 4uzhoj)
make a passing mentionвскользь упомянуть (Barack Obama made only passing mention of what has been such a difficult problem for his administration, the war in Afghanistan. 4uzhoj)
make a special mention ofотдельно отметить (SirReal)
make mentionупоминать
make mention ofупомянуть о
make mention ofссылаться на (В.И.Макаров)
make mention ofупомянуть (кого-либо, что-либо)
mention may be made ofможно сослаться на
mention may be made ofможно упомянуть
mention of ... was madeупоминался (The researchers also note that mention of small, dark-skinned people was made in documents from the Quin Dynasty, and all but one of the 16 Austronesian groups living in Taiwan today have stories that describe small, dark-skinned people who once lived in the mountains. -- упоминались phys.org ART Vancouver)
mention should be madeнадлежит отнести (Interex)
special mention must be madeнеобходимо особо упомянуть (of bookworm)