
Terms for subject General containing lunar | all forms | exact matches only
extravehicular lunar suitлунный скафандр
International Lunar SocietyМеждународное общество по изучению Луны
Lunar Analysis and Mapping ProgramПрограмма исследования и картографирования Луны
lunar moon bugнебольшой летательный аппарат для доставки людей с космического корабля на Луну и обратно
lunar moon bugаппарат для передвижения по Луне
lunar calendarвосточный календарь any dating system based on a year consisting of synodic months–i.e., complete cycles of phases of the Moon. In every solar year (or year of the seasons), there are about 12.37 synodic months. Therefore, if a lunar-year calendar is to be kept in step with the seasonal year, a periodic intercalation (addition) of days is necessary. The Sumerians were probably the first to develop a calendar based entirely on the recurrence of lunar phases. Each Sumero-Babylonian month began on the first day of visibility of the new Moon. Although an intercalary month was used periodically, intercalations (intercalation) were haphazard, inserted when the royal astrologers realized that the calendar had fallen severely out of step with the seasons. Starting about 380 BC, however, fixed rules regarding intercalations were established, providing for the distribution of seven intercalary months at designated intervals over 19-year periods. Greek astronomers also devised rules for intercalations to coordinate the lunar and solar years. It is likely that the Roman republican calendar was based on the lunar calendar of the Greeks. Lunar calendars remain in use among certain religious groups today. The Jewish calendar (Jewish religious year), which supposedly dates from 3,760 years and three months before the Christian Era (BCE) is one example. The Jewish religious year begins in autumn and consists of 12 months alternating between 30 and 29 days. It allows for a periodic leap year and an intercalary month. Another lunar calendar, the Muslim (Muslim calendar), dates from the Hegira–July 15, AD 622, the day on which the prophet Muammad began his migration from Mecca to Medina. It makes no effort to keep calendric and seasonal years together. Britannica (Alexander Demidov)
lunar causticжгучий
lunar causticедкий
lunar causticколкий
lunar causticадский камень
lunar dayлунный день
lunar distanceлунное расстояние (расстояние Луны от Солнца, какой-либо звезды или планеты)
lunar exploration operationsоперации по исследованию Луны
lunar featuresлунный рельеф (15)
Lunar Flying Vehicleлунный ЛА
lunar impact vehicleаппарат Лив для жёсткой посадки на Луну
Lunar International Laboratoryмеждународная лунная лаборатория
lunar landing missionполёт с целью посадки на Луну
lunar matterлунит
lunar moduleлунная кабина (космического корабля)
lunar moduleлунный отсек (космического корабля)
lunar nearsideближняя сторона Луны (Anglophile)
Lunar New YearКитайский Новый Год (Chinese New Year – also called the Lunar New Year and the Spring Festival Val_Ships)
lunar orbitорбита Луны (kee46)
lunar packetпортативный набор научных приборов (для взятия проб и исследования Луны)
lunar politicsвопросы, не имеющие практического значения
Lunar Receiving Laboratoryизолятор для ступивших на Луну космонавтов и образцов лунного грунта
lunar roverлуноход
lunar roving vehicleлуноход
lunar salad"лунный" салат (Nasa to send seeds to Moon to grow lunar salad ikot)
lunar seaлунное море
lunar space-vehicle launching siteлунодром
lunar surfaceлунная поверхность
lunar surface inspectionобследование лунной поверхности
lunar surface vehicleлуноход
manned lunar landing and returnприлунение и возвращение на Землю КЛА с экипажем
manned lunar launchingзапуск лунного КЛА с экипажем
mobile lunar laboratoryподвижная лунная лаборатория
soft lunar landing and returnмягкая посадка на Луну и возвращение