
Terms for subject Microsoft containing low -low | all forms
A low level Active Directory Services Interface editor.Редактор интерфейса службы Active Directory низкого уровня (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Accommodate low visionнастройка для слабого зрения (Windows 8 Rori)
battery lowнизкий заряд батареи (Andy)
battery lowбатарея разряжена (Andy)
Cloud Services Low Priorityнизкоприоритетные облачные службы (A service type of the "Cloud Services" service suitable for workloads with low priority, such as batch processing. Rori)
Enter the depreciation rate for the low value pool.Введите норму амортизации для кластера низкой стоимости (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
event pair lowвыключение парного события (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Firmware resource lowest supported versionНаименьшая поддерживаемая версия ресурса встроенного ПО (Windows 8.1 Rori)
High brightness, original shadows, low highlights.Высокая яркость, исходные тени, низкая подсветка (Windows Live Photo Gallery W4M4 Rori)
high-low linesКоридор колебания
high-low linesкоридор колебания (In 2-D line charts, lines that extend from the highest to the lowest value in each category. High-low lines are often used in stock charts)
high-low linesМинимум максимум
Low brightness, high shadows, original highlights.Низкая яркость, высокие тени, исходная подсветка (Windows Live Photo Gallery Wave 5 Rori)
low density lipoproteinлипопротеин низкой плотности (A class of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol through the blood and around the body, for use by cells)
low integrity access tokenмаркер доступа с низкой степенью целостности (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications Rori)
low level formatнизкоуровневое форматирование (A process that creates the physical format, the positions of the tracks and sectors, that defines where the data is stored on a hard disk)
low level formatнизкоуровневое форматирование
low memory problemпроблема нехватки памяти (A difficulty in computer operation caused by insufficient memory resources)
low power stateсостояние пониженного энергопотребления (Andy)
low visionслабое зрение (Visual impairment that results in great reduction in vision capabilities and that cannot be aided by glasses or contact lenses. It could, however, be aided by special devices)
low visionслабое зрение
low watermarkнижний предел (A memory consumption threshold on each cache host that specifies when expired objects are evicted out of memory)
low-cost assetмалоценные основные средства (In Australia, a depreciating asset that costs less than $1,000 (after GST credits or adjustments) as of the end of the income year when an organization starts to use it or when it is installed and ready for use for a taxable purpose)
Lower Provisioning Moduleбазовый модуль контроля использования (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
Lower Ribbonнижняя лента (Windows 8.1 Rori)
lowest supported versionнаиболее ранняя поддерживаемая версия (IIS Web Deployment Tool 2.0 Rori)
lowest supported versionминимальная поддерживаемая версия (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
lowest supported versionнаименьшая поддерживаемая версия (Windows 8.1 Rori)
low-level formatнизкоуровневое форматирование (A process that creates the physical format, the positions of the tracks and sectors, that defines where the data is stored on a hard disk)
low-level IPнизкоуровневый протокол IP (An internet protocol without any link-layer header before it)
Low-rights IEInternet Explorer с ограниченными правами (A mechanism for running Internet Explorer processes in a restricted security context to protect the system against malware and viruses that depend on IE running in elevated privilege on a users machine)
low-value assetосновные фонды низкой стоимости (In Australia, a depreciating asset that is not a low-cost asset but which has an opening net book value less than $1,000 (as of July 1 in the year that it is allocated to the pool), and for which the organization has previously worked out any deduction using the reducing balance depreciation method)
low-value pool depreciationамортизация кластера основных фондов (In Australia, a fixed-asset depreciation method. Depreciation is calculated as the sum of low-cost assets (acquisitions) added to the pool in the current fiscal year + second element costs (acquisition adjustments) added in the current fiscal year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage first-year rate regardless of when they were acquired in the year) + low-value assets added to the pool in the current fiscal year + closing net book value from the previous year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage rate))
Original brightness, original shadows, medium-low highlights.Исходная яркость, исходные тени, средне-низкая подсветка (Windows Live Photo Gallery W4M3 Rori)
Queries With Low ClickthroughЗапросы с небольшим числом переходов по ссылкам (Office System 2010 Rori)
the low value pool type determines the depreciation rate used for a transactionКластер низкой стоимости определяет норму амортизации, используемую для проводки (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)