
Terms for subject Religion containing low -low | all forms
contrite and low in spiritв раскаянии и смирении
Low ChurchНизкая церковь (Tending in Anglican worship to minimize emphasis on the priesthood, sacraments, and ceremonial in worship and to emphasize evangelical principles)
Low Latinлатынь Средних веков
Low Latinсредневековая латынь (Latin from the 6th to the 16th century, both inclusive)
low latinнеклассическая латынь
low massмесса без пения
Low Massмалая месса (A mass that is recited without singing by the celebrant, without a deacon, subdeacon, or choir assisting the celebrant, and without the use of incense)
Low Sundayнеделя апостола Фомы
Low Sundayвторая неделя по Пасхе
Low SundayАнтипасха (следующее воскресенье после Пасхи)
Low Weekвторая седмица по Пасхе (The week following Easter)