
Terms for subject Religion containing letter of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
First Letter of ClementПервое послание Климента к Коринфянам (One of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, an official letter from the Roman to the Corinthian Church reflecting the more advanced state of a collegiate episcopate, with its shared authority among an assembly of bishops)
Letter of Barnabasапокрифическое "Послание Варнавы" (One of the apocryphal letters forged in the 2nd century)
letter of callуведомление о призвании (LDS Leonid Dzhepko)
Letter of JamesСоборное послание св. апостола Иакова
Letter of Jeremiahапокрифическое "Послание Иеремии"
Letter of JeremiahПослание Иеремии (Apocryphal book of the Old Testament, in the Roman canon appended as a sixth chapter to the Book of Baruch, itself apocryphal in the Jewish and Protestant canons)
Letter of JudeСоборное послание св. апостола Иуды
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the ColossiansПослание к Колоссянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians'Первое послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла' или "Второе послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла"
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the EphesiansПослание к Ефесянам св. апостола Павла (New Testament writing once thought to have been composed by Paul in prison but more likely the work of one of Paul's disciples)
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansК Галатам
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansПослание к Галатам
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the GalatiansПослание к Галатам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsПослание к Евреям
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsК Евреям
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the HebrewsПослание к Евреям св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the PhilippiansПослание к Филиппийцам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the RomansК Римлянам
Letter of Paul the Apostle to the RomansПослание к Римлянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul to PhilemonПослание к Филимону
Letter of Paul to Philemon"Послание к Филимону св. апостола Павла" (Brief New Testament letter written by Paul the Apostle to a wealthy Christian of Colossae, Asia Minor, on behalf of Onesimus, Philemon's former slave)
Letter of Paul to the AlexandriansПослание Павла к Александрийцам (A lost 2nd-century apocryphal letter said to have been forged by followers of Marcion)
Letter of Paul to the ColossiansПослание к Колоссянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul to the EphesiansПослание к Ефесянам св. апостола Павла
Letter of Paul to Timothy'Первое послание к Тимофею св. апостола Павла' или "Второе послание к Тимофею св. апостола Павла"
Letter of Paul to TitusПослание к Титу св. апостола Павла
Letter of Uriahписьмо Урии (A treacherous letter, a death warrant. 2Sm:ll:15)
rigid with the letter of the lawжёстко соблюдающий букву закона (but unmindful of its spirit and the moral purposes Alex_Odeychuk)
Second Letter of ClementВторое послание Климента к Коринфянам (One of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers inviting its readers to think of Christ as of God, and of the church as a preexistent reality)
the Letter of JeremiahПослание Иеремии