
Terms for subject Religion containing lesser | all forms | exact matches only
Ajax the LesserАякс Оилид
Ajax the Lesserмалый Эант
Ajax the Lesserмалый Аянт
Ajax the Lesserменьший Аякс (In Greek legend, in spite of his small stature, he held his own among the other heroes before Troy; but he was also boastful, arrogant, and quarrelsome)
Lesser Blessing of WaterМалое водосвятие (A Christian water consecration ritual)
lesser consecration of the churchчин малого освящения храма (lipcha87)
lesser doxologyГлориа Патри
lesser doxologyСлава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу!
lesser doxologyмалое славословие
lesser entranceмалый вход
lesser litanyмалая литания
lesser priesthoodменьшее священство
Lesser ProphetsМалые Пророки (двенадцать книг, составляющих вместе с "Великими Пророками" "Невиим")