
Terms containing legal position | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.legal positionюридическая должность
lawlegal positionюридическая ситуация
lawlegal positionюридическое положение
lawlegal positionзаконное положение
chess.term.legal positionлегальная позиция
mar.lawlegal positionправовая позиция
lawlegal positionимущественно-правовой статус (Alexander Matytsin)
gen.legal positionправовая позиция (Abortion: the legal position. Anyone involved in performing abortions without proper certification could be liable for criminal prosecution, the ... | Summary of the government legal position on military action in Iraq against ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and the motion on support ... | "The council is considering its legal position on this matter". BBC | What does the line "legal position" mean? It usually means what is required by law, whether it suits your personal convenience or not. The legal position is that you are expected to make tax returns and pay what is due by the due date. yahoo.com Alexander Demidov)
chess.term.legal positionвозможная позиция
lawlegal positionюридический статус
patents.legal positionправовое положение
dipl.legal position of the high seasправовое положение открытого моря
dipl.legal position of the high seasправовой статус открытого моря
Makarov.the position of Legal Adviser is currently vacantдолжность юрисконсульта в настоящее время вакантна