
Terms for subject General containing legal matter | all forms | in specified order only
a matter full of legal knotsв деле полно юридических загвоздок
face years of legal wrangling over property and other financial mattersсудебные разбирательства (bigmaxus)
in charge of legal mattersпо юридическим вопросам (bookworm)
legal assistance in civil and criminal mattersправовая помощь по гражданским и уголовным делам (Alexander Demidov)
legal matterвопрос права (Alexander Demidov)
legal matterправовая материя (Alexander Demidov)
legal mattersюридическая практика (в юридической практике нередки случаи, когда возникает вопрос о = legal matters not infrequently involve. Legal matters involve both privilege and obligation, rights and responsibilities, liberties and duties. | Legal matters involve jumping through hoops, fitting into legal precedent, following rules, complying with the rule of law, and other arcane methods of contortion. | The Court explained that divorce matters "not infrequently involve retention of jurisdiction by the court" and that state courts are in a better position to handle such ... Alexander Demidov)