
Terms containing legal filing | all forms | in specified order only
busin., lawfile a legal actionпредъявить иск (алешаBG)
law, courtfile a legal challengeоспорить решение суда (The defense announced it would file an immediate legal challenge. ART Vancouver)
gen.file a legal claim forобратиться в суд с требованием (Inform your former employer that you would prefer to settle the situation informally, but that you will file a legal claim for payment if you do not get a response by a ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.file legal actions to defend the rights and legitimate interests of an ownerобращаться в суд с исками о защите прав и законных интересов собственника (ABelonogov)
gen.file legal proceedings againstобратиться в суд с требованиями к (On July 16, 2009, Cassar filed legal proceedings against St John and his family to rescind the two contracts of donations published in March ... Alexander Demidov)
lawlegal filingподача юридических документов (Andy)