
Terms for subject Microsoft containing launch | all forms | exact matches only
Disable Early Launch Anti-Malware DriverОтключение раннего запуска антивредоносного драйвера (Windows 8 Rori)
Early Launch Antimalwareранний запуск антивредоносной программы (Windows 10 Rori)
Early Launch Antimalware driverдрайвер раннего запуска антивредоносной программы (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver. Rori)
early-launch boot driverдрайвер раннего запуска антивредоносной программы (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
Events logged after an attempt to launch the leak diagnoser is madeСобытия, регистрируемые после попытки запуска средства диагностики утечек памяти (Windows 8 ssn)
launch appзапустить программу (Windows Phone 7.5 ssn)
Launch profiling after the wizard finishesЗапустить профилирование после завершения работы мастера (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Quick Launch Panelпанель быстрого запуска (Andy)
Quick Launch toolbarинструментальная панель быстрого запуска (A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar. Rori)
Quick Launch toolbarпанель быстрого запуска (Andy)
ribbon launch buttonкнопка запуска ленты (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group. Rori)
ribbon launch buttonкнопка запуска ленты (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group)