
Terms for subject Historical containing lands | all forms | exact matches only
allotment landнадельная земля
ancestral landземля предков (Alex_Odeychuk)
ancestral landsвотчина
ancestral landsотчина (= вотчина)
arable landролейный закуп (Sibiricheva)
Assembly of Landземский собор
Assembly of the LandЗемский собор (in Muscovite Russia Anglophile)
Assembly of the Landземский собор (in Muscovite Russia)
attached landусадебная земля (Liv Bliss)
Cadet Corps of Land ForcesКадетский корпус Сухопутных войск (Alex_Odeychuk)
charter-landpl жалованные земли
charter-landsземельный участок фригольдера
charter-landspl жалованные земли
conquests on landсухопутные завоевания (Alex_Odeychuk)
cross landsцерковные земли (в Ирландии)
crown landsказённые земли (напр., в царской России Novoross)
Decree on LandДекрет о земле (grafleonov)
demesne landземельная собственность
demesne landпоместье
farm land on the metayage systemиспольничать
farm land on the metayage systemисполовничать (= испольничать; métayage: a system of farming in which rent is paid as a percentage of the crops yielded, and in which the owner usually supplies the farmer with seed and stock)
Gathering of the Landsсобирание земель (исторический термин, относящийся к российской истории snowleopard)
in the lands of infidelsв землях неверных (Alex_Odeychuk)
in the lands of the heathensв землях язычников (Alex_Odeychuk)
isolated arable landзаимка
land girlдружинница "Земледельческой армии" (заменявшая на с.-х. работах мужчину во время войны)
land grantпожалование землёй
Land of IsraelЗемля Израильская (finita)
lands of a boyarбоярщина
measure of landсоха (used for the assessment of taxes)
measure of landсоха (which was used for the assessment of taxes)
Nobles' Land BankДворянский земельный банк
no-man's landбесхозная земля
owner of a piece of landвытчик
parcel of landнадел (given to a peasant)
passage of landпереход земли (from landowners to peasants — от помещиков к крестьянам)
Peasants' Land BankКрестьянский земельный банк
piece of landудел
plot of landнарез
plot of land worked by one householdтягло
plot of landусадьба
plot of landтягло (worked by one household)
plot of landусад
plot of landусада
plot of landо́труб
residing on State landчерносошный
Riurikid landsземли Рюриковичей (Rodeo Dayz)
settle on the landселиться на земле (The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. Following them, large gangs of ferocious plunderers, from the North of Europe, called Danes, found there way to Britain, under their respective chieftains, called Vikings. Their object at first was plunder, but they soon took to settling on the land, and kept up a continual warfare with the Saxons for possession of the country. -- начали селиться на земле, не прекращая воевать с саксонцами wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
state landsдомен
tax paid by a peasant to the state for the use of land allotted to himоброк
taxable piece of landвыть
thane-landземли тана
transfer of allotment landпередача надельной земли
warriors after booty and landвоины, сражающиеся за трофеи и земли (Alex_Odeychuk)