
Terms for subject Slang containing keep-it | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
keep it 100придерживаться своих принципов (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it 100быть самим собой (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it 100быть честным (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it coolне дёргаться (4uzhoj)
keep it hundredпридерживаться своих принципов (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it hundredбыть самим собой (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it hundredбыть честным (Keep it 100 is a slang phrase that means being authentic and truthful, akin to "keeping it real.": Keeping it 100 (or keeping it one "hunnit," an alternative way of saying the same thing) means to be you, be honest, be true to yourself and the people you love, be unapologetic but respectful at the same time, and be the best at what you do. andreon)
keep it neatказаться собранным (Aly19)
keep it neatвыглядеть уверенным в себе (Aly19)
keep it neatбыть уверенным в себе (Aly19)
keep it neatказаться спокойным (Aly19)
keep it realпока! (VLZ_58)
keep it realгулять на полную катушку (Антонов Максим)
keep it realоттягиваться (Антонов Максим)