
Terms for subject General containing keep abreast with | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
keep abreast withидти в ногу (smth., с чем-л.)
keep abreast withидти в ногу
keep abreast with the fashionследить за модой
keep abreast with the fashionне отставать от моды
keep abreast with the latest developments in one's subjectбыть в курсе последних достижений в своей области (of the progress in technology, with the progress in technology, of the current events, with the current events, with the news, etc., и т.д.)
keep abreast with the timesидти в ногу с веком
keep abreast with the timesне отставать от жизни
keep abreast with the timesидти в ногу со временем