
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing keep | all forms | exact matches only
be trying to keep abreast of developmentsпытаться держать руку на пульсе событий (Alex_Odeychuk)
couldn't keep a straight faceне смог удержаться от улыбки (The toast Eric proposed was very funny. David and I couldn't keep a straight face. – не могли удержаться от улыбки ART Vancouver)
hang in there, do your best, keep it upтак держать (markushe)
have/keep a foot in both campsусидеть на двух стульях (Natalia1809)
have/keep all your wits about youбыстро ориентироваться (реагировать адекватно и принимать быстро решения sumaliak)
have or keep one's finger on the pulseрука на пульсе (Daniel Kislyuk)
he doesn't keep his nose cleanу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
I want to keep a clear conscienceне хочу брать грех на душу (VLZ_58)
I want to keep my hands cleanне хочу брать грех на душу (VLZ_58)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!ни пуха ни пера! (Andrey Truhachev)
keep a bold faceхрабриться ('I kept a bold face before Lestrade, but, upon my soul, I believe that for once the fellow is on the right track and we are on the wrong.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
keep a bold faceхорохориться ('I kept a bold face before Lestrade, but, upon my soul, I believe that for once the fellow is on the right track and we are on the wrong.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
keep a clear headиметь голову на плечах (Andrey Truhachev)
keep a close eyeглаз не спускать (on sb. – с кого-л.: Mike will be here at six. Until then keep a close eye on her. -- глаз с неё не спускай. ART Vancouver)
keep a confidenceхранить тайну (A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence. VLZ_58)
keep a cool headоставаться хладнокровным (VLZ_58)
keep a cool headсохранять спокойствие (VLZ_58)
keep a good houseрадушно принимать гостей (z484z)
keep a lid on somethingконтролировать (VLZ_58)
keep a lid on somethingсдерживать (Keep a lid on those feelings and work them out after quitting time. VLZ_58)
keep a low profileбыть тише воды, ниже травы (shergilov)
keep a low profileсидеть и не рыпаться (shergilov)
keep a poker faceделать морду лопатой (VLZ_58)
keep a quiet tongue in one's headдержать язык за зубами (Anglophile)
keep a sharp eye onзорко следить за (It seems that vandals marking their names or other messages on the rock don't get to appreciate their names for long; city staffers keep a sharp eye on the famous landmark, and the instant anyone soils its pristine whiteness, it is immediately repainted. (Chuck Davis) ART Vancouver)
keep a stiff upper lipне распускать нюни (Баян)
Keep a stiff upper lip!не вешай нос! (Andrey Truhachev)
keep a stiff upper lipне поддаваться эмоциям (Баян)
Keep a stiff upper lip!держи хвост пистолетом! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep a stiff upper lip!держись молодцом! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep a stiff upper lip!держись бодрей! (Andrey Truhachev)
keep a stiff upper lipкрепиться (remain resolute and unemotional in the face of adversity ART Vancouver)
Keep a stiff upper lip!не кисни! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep a stiff upper lip!выше голову! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep a stiff upper lip!не унывай! (Andrey Truhachev)
keep a stiff upper lipне выдавать своих чувств (Lana Falcon)
keep a still tongue in one's headдержать язык за зубами (Anglophile)
keep a still tongue in one's headприкусить язык (VLZ_58)
keep a straight faceстараться не улыбнуться или не засмеяться (It was difficult to keep a straight face when the man fell off his chair into the grass Taras)
keep a straight faceудержаться от улыбки (The toast Nick proposed was very funny. Roger and I couldn't keep a straight face. – не смогли удержаться от улыбки ART Vancouver)
keep a straight faceделать морду лопатой (VLZ_58)
keep a tight gripкрепко держаться (on – за: As I make my way up the stairs that lead to the attic, I realize Samantha wasn't exaggerating. First I feel a cold spot, then someone invisible tries to push me down the stairs. Luckily, I kept a tight grip on the railing. ART Vancouver)
keep a tight rein onконтролировать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep a tight rein onдержать на коротком поводке (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep abreastбыть в курсе
keep abreast ofбыть в курсе (Rick)
keep sb. abreast of the latest developmentsдержать кого-л. в курсе последних новостей (ART Vancouver)
keep afterприставать к кому-либо с напоминаниями (somebody plushkina)
keep afterне оставлять в покое (plushkina)
keep aliveне дать умереть (Koto2014)
keep an air of mystery about oneselfокружить себя ореолом таинственности (4uzhoj)
keep an eye onдержать нос по ветру (Александр_10)
keep an eye onнаблюдать за (состоянием чего-л., возможными изменениями в обстановке: "Got 4 condos being built around my house & 3 more waiting to go up. The house has been cracking like a new house settling. I go to close my yard gate & it won’t close cuz it’s shifted. The VW on Marine Drive had to redo their foundations after the building went up across the street. I am seeing the first clues now. Early stages at this point. Putting clues together. It’s something to keep an eye on." -- Нужно наблюдать. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
keep an eye onприглядеть за ('Sharon, can you keep an eye on my apartment until I get back? I'm worried about all these break-ins.' 'Sure, I'll keep an eye on it.' ART Vancouver)
keep an eye onприсматривать за (Азери)
keep an eye open forне спускать глаз (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forбыть начеку (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forследить глазами (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forбдеть (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forшкерить (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forсмотреть (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forвисеть на хвосте (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forнадсматривать (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forглядеть (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forследить (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forне упускать из виду (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forне выпускать из своего взгляда (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forдержать под наблюдением (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forдержать под надзором (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forпасти (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forбыть на хвосте (someone z484z)
keep an eye open forне сводить глаз (someone z484z)
keep an eye outдержать ухо востро (4uzhoj)
keep an eye outбыть настороже (Ballistic)
keep an eye outиметь в виду (в ответ на просьбу найти пропажу: "Hello, my ex wife lost her wallet and keys after she forgot them on the roof of her car as she was leaving Kensington Plaza on April 29 around 11:30am. She left the parking lot turning left onto Kensington Avenue and headed south. I figure they fell off her car before she got to the bottom of the hill going down Kensington Avenue. If someone found them or maybe knows someone that does, please DM me on here. It would be a grey-ish wallet with elephants on it, and a remote key entry for a Honda Civic. Thank you." "Will keep an eye out!" -- Буду иметь в виду! (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
keep an open mindдопускать различные толкования (случившегося: Rob-James described his sister as “high energy, bubbly.” A female friend on Bowen calls Jodi “very spontaneous. She would sometimes do unexpected things-she could take off with someone she’d just met.” “I didn’t think it was likely that she’d run away,” Rob-James recalled not long ago, in an office on the UBC campus. He’s in his fourth year of Biochemistry, and hoping to go on to graduate school. “But I was trying to keep an open mind in those first weeks.” vanmag.com ART Vancouver)
keep an open mindбыть открытым к предложениям (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep something bottled upутаивать секрет какой-то период времени, скрывать секрет (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep bottled upскрывать эмоции от других людей (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep bottled upвоздерживаться от выражений сильных чувств по поводу (чего-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep one's breath to cool one's porridgeдержать рот на замке
keep busyбез дела не сидеть (Hunters, polo ponies and racehorses keep the Crudwell blacksmith busy. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
keep busyне сидеть без дела (Hunters, polo ponies and racehorses keep the Crudwell blacksmith busy. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
keep busyдел хватает (Hunters, polo ponies and racehorses keep the Crudwell blacksmith busy. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
keep busyне сидеть сложа руки (Hunters, polo ponies and racehorses keep the Crudwell blacksmith busy. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
keep by the short hairдавить на слабые места (Alexsword92)
keep one's cards close to one's chestдержать что-либо в тайне (dj_formalin)
keep one's cards close to one's chestне рассказывать никому о своих планах (dj_formalin)
keep cards close to vestскрывать свои намерения (Джозеф)
keep cards close to vestхранить это в тайне (Джозеф)
keep cards close to vestскрывать свои планы (Джозеф)
keep charging at wallsпрошибать стену лбом (Dominator_Salvator)
keep charging at wallsупираться как баран (Dominator_Salvator)
keep charging at wallsломиться в закрытые двери (Dominator_Salvator)
keep clear anchorпроявлять осторожность, бдительность (Karabas)
keep close to the vestне выдавать (Taras)
keep close to the vestхранить в тайне (Taras)
keep close to the vestдержать в тайне (Taras)
keep close to the vestне разглашать (- What evidence do they have? – They're keeping it close to the vest Taras)
keep cool headсохранять хладнокровие (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep cool headне терять голову (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep one's counselдержать язык за зубами (to keep one's own business private; to be discreet, careful, or circumspect in what one says concerning one's own thoughts, deeds, or situation; to keep a secret for someone else КГА)
keep counselдержать язык за зубами (В.И.Макаров)
keep one's distanceне позволять себе ничего лишнего ("He always kept his distance and did not molest me in any way, but still it certainly was very odd." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
keep one's distanceне позволять себе никаких вольностей ("He always kept his distance and did not molest me in any way, but still it certainly was very odd." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
keep ear to the groundдержать ухо востро (Taras)
keep end of the bargain upпридерживаться достигнутых договорённостей (hold one's end of the bargain up or keep one's end of the bargain up тж. см. hold end of the bargain up Taras)
keep end of the bargain upвыполнять взятые на себя обязательства (hold one's end of the bargain up or keep one's end of the bargain up тж. см. hold end of the bargain up Taras)
keep one's end of the bargain upвыполнять свою часть обязательств (Taras)
keep one's eye onглаз с кого-либо не спускать (someone); т.е. не оставлять без присмотра, без постоянного наблюдения, без контроля Lana Falcon)
keep one's eye on the ballбыть начеку (Азери)
keep one's eye on the ballсфокусироваться на самом важном (mewl2007)
keep one's eyes onследить за (Keep your eyes on the road, keep your hands on the wheel. ART Vancouver)
keep one's eyes onсмотреть (on someone or something: Keep your eyes on the road and off the chick! 4uzhoj)
keep face for the familyне уронить марку фамилии (VLZ_58)
keep one's feet firmly planted inшагнуть далеко в (sankozh)
keep one's feet firmly planted inдалеко шагнуть в (a city keeping its feet firmly planted in the 21st century sankozh)
Keep one's feet on the groundтвёрдо стоять на земле (Drozdova)
keep one's feet on the groundоставаться спокойным и невозмутимым (slarti)
keep feet on the groundне терять голову (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep fighting the good fightпродолжать в том же духе (FixControl)
keep one's fingers crossedдержать кулаки (Мы будем держать за вас кулаки – We'll keep our fingers crossed for you ankicadeenka)
keep one's gob shutдержать рот на замке (ad_notam)
Keep one's hands off somebodyне давать воли рукам
keep one's hands to oneselfдержать руки подальше от кого-либо или чего-то (To refrain from touching someone or something. (Usually said imperatively.) КГА)
keep happeningпродолжить иметь место (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
keep one's head above waterвыжить (We're just a small business, we're trying to keep our head above water. -- пытаемся выжить ART Vancouver)
keep head downсконцентрироваться и напряжённо работать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep one's head shutдержать язык за зубами (В.И.Макаров)
keep one's husband under one's thumbдержать под каблуком мужа (Taras)
keep one's husband under one's thumbпод каблуком (Taras)
keep in checkсдерживать (keep inflation in check ART Vancouver)
keep in checkприструнить (ART Vancouver)
keep in mindдумать (о Andrey Truhachev)
keep in mindдержать в уме (Andrey Truhachev)
keep in mindдержать в голове (Andrey Truhachev)
keep in the darkскрывать правду ("But why keep me in the dark?" "For you to know could not have helped us and might possibly have led to my discovery. You would have wished to tell me something, or in your kindness you would have brought me out some comfort or other, and so an unnecessary risk would be run." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – "Но зачем же было скрывать от меня правду?" ART Vancouver)
keep in the loopдержать в курсе событий (You can take charge of the project, just keep me in the loop. Val_Ships)
keep in the loopдержать в курсе (Mr. Parnas said that although he did not speak with Mr. Trump directly about the efforts, he ... was told by Mr. Giuliani that Mr. Trump was kept in the loop. 4uzhoj)
keep in touch withбыть в курсе (событий и т. п.)
keep it close to the chestдействовать скрытно (См. с 09 минуты ролика по ссылке: Russia never denied it and never confirmed it. And I am positive: they did that on purpose. The game they are playing is keeping it very close to the chest youtube.com Alexander Oshis)
keep it close to the chestне раскрывать карт (См. с 09 минуты ролика по ссылке: Russia never denied it and never confirmed it. And I am positive: they did that on purpose. The game they are playing is keeping it very close to the chest youtube.com Alexander Oshis)
keep it goingпродолжать (We're having so much fun, we want to keep it going. We definitely want to keep it going. ART Vancouver)
keep it upпродолжать в том же темпе (досл. "удерживать её (= ситуацию) вверху": You're doing very well everybody. Keep it up! cambridge.org Shabe)
keep one's mitts to oneselfне распускать руки (Баян)
keep one's momentum goingне сбавлять темпа (ART Vancouver)
keep one's mouth shutдержать рот на замке (Kostya Lopunov)
keep one's mouth shutдержать язык за зубами (I don't have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this. • If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now.)
keep one's mouth tight shutдержать язык за зубами
keep mumдержать язык за зубами (Anglophile)
keep myself to myselfбыть с собой наедине (= keep to myself sea holly)
keep myself to myselfдержаться особняком (= keep to myself sea holly)
keep one's nerveсохранять спокойствие (Alexey Lebedev)
keep one's nerveне терять самообладания (Alexey Lebedev)
keep one's nose cleanне лезть в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, shamus, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanне соваться в чужие дела (I went back to my desk and sat down and spent a little time wondering why a fairly important local racketeer like Menendez would think it worth his time to come in person to my office and warn me to keep my nose clean, just minutes after I had received a similar though differently expressed warning from Sewell Endicott. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться подальше от неприятностей ("if I kept my nose clean, I'd be a stackboy before the Thanksgiving break." Clasmys)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться от греха подальше (Anglophile)
keep one's nose cleanне совать нос в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose in the windдержать нос по ветру (Keep your nose in the wind and your eyes along the skyline Tamerlane)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneтрудиться не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions... ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneуходить в работу с головой (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneпропадать на работе (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneработать не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions... ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneгнуть спину (VLZ_58)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneполностью отдаваться работе (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstone"пахать" (z484z)
keep nose to the groundдержать ушки на макушке (Himera)
keep nose to the groundбыть начеку (Himera)
keep nose to the groundне расслабляться (Himera)
keep occupied withбыть при деле (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep on a short leashдержать в ежовых рукавицах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep on a starvation dietдержать на голодном пайке (тж. перен. george serebryakov)
keep on an even keelсохранять спокойствие (VLZ_58)
keep on an even keelне терять голову (VLZ_58)
keep on pushing to my limitпродолжать выкладываться на пределе возможностей (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
keep on pushing to my limitпродолжать выкладываться по полной программе (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
keep someone on starvation dietна голодном пайке (VLZ_58)
keep on the straight and narrowдержать в рамках (кого-либо Баян)
keep on the straight and narrowне нарушать закон (tlumach)
keep on the straight and narrowне позволять с катиться по наклонной плоскости (кому-либо, о воспитании Баян)
keep someone on one's toesдержать в напряжении (Taras)
keep someone on one's toesдержать в тонусе (Taras)
keep someone on one's toesне давать расслабиться (Taras)
keep on one's toesдержать ухо востро (If a team scratches in front of you, you will move up to their spot, so keep on your toes and listen carefully for announcements. 4uzhoj)
keep on one's toesбыть начеку (Please remember that we have no idea if this guy with the explosives will be watching us, so keep on your toes and be prepared for anything. 4uzhoj)
keep one eye on the galleryиграть на публику (VLZ_58)
keep oneself apprisedбыть в курсе (Зеленевский)
keep out of the loopдержать на голодном информационном пайке (VLZ_58)
keep out of the loopлишать информации (VLZ_58)
keep out of the loopдержать в неведении (VLZ_58)
keep out the loopдержать в неведении (VLZ_58)
keep someone quiescentдержать в узде (Abysslooker)
keep reckoning ofзапоминать (VLZ_58)
keep reckoning ofвести учёт (VLZ_58)
keep regular hoursжить по графику (Andrey Truhachev)
keep regular hoursжить по часам (Andrey Truhachev)
keep regular hoursвсё делать по часам (Andrey Truhachev)
keep shoulder to the wheelнадрывать пуп (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelумываться потом (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelгнуть спину (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelкостоломить (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelгнуть хребет (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelломать горб (VLZ_58)
keep shoulder to the wheelвкалывать (VLZ_58)
keep shtumдержать язык за зубами (Anglophile)
keep someone in one's cornerиметь кого-либо на своей стороне (букв. "иметь кого-либо в своем углу ринга" LisLoki)
keep someone in one's cornerпользоваться чьей-либо помощью и поддержкой (букв. "иметь кого-либо в своем углу ринга" LisLoki)
keep someone in the loopдержать в курсе (jouris-t)
keep someone on the hopзаставить шевелить мозгами (и булками george serebryakov)
keep someone on the hopзаставить попотеть (george serebryakov)
keep someone on the hopзаставить побегать (The boss has kept us on the hop so that we get these projects done before the Christmas break. george serebryakov)
keep someone on their toesне давать спуску (VLZ_58)
keep stagnantне продвигаться по служебной лестнице (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep one's standards highдержать марку (VLZ_58)
keep that shit upпродолжать в таком же духе (votono)
keep the dog off one's lawnне беспокоить (кого-либо Taras)
keep the dog off one's lawnне причинять беспокойства (Am.E.: We'll try to keep the dog off your lawn Taras)
keep the drama train rollingпродолжать трагедию (Перевод данной идиомы зависит от контекста. VLZ_58)
keep the noise downсидеть как мышь под веником (Alex_Odeychuk)
keep the old ways upсохранять старинные обычаи ("He ordered the drawbridge to be pulled up every night because it was the ancient custom of the old house, and he liked to keep the old ways up." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
keep the old ways upсохранять старинные традиции ("He ordered the drawbridge to be pulled up every night because it was the ancient custom of the old house, and he liked to keep the old ways up." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
keep the upper handне потерять контроль над (on/with: How can humans keep the upper hand on artificial intelligence? • Developers at DeepMind have collaborated with Oxford University researchers to develop a way for humans to keep the upper hand with super-intelligent computers. 4uzhoj)
keep the upper handоставлять за собой последнее слово (4uzhoj)
keep the upper handделать что-либо на своих условиях (Getting divorced? Keep the upper hand with these three simple tips. 4uzhoj)
keep the upper handсохранить преимущество
keep the upper handне проиграть (4uzhoj)
keep the upper handне уступить инициативу (4uzhoj)
keep the wolf from the doorперебиваться с хлеба на воду (I don't make a lot of money, just enough to keep the wolf from the door. We have a small amount of money saved, hardly enough to keep the wolf from the door. kirobite)
keep the wolves at bayсдерживать напасти (Technical)
keep their heads above waterсводить концы с концами (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
keep things firmly in handкрепко удерживать в своих руках (Andrey Truhachev)
keep things straightвидеть разницу (george serebryakov)
keep things straightотличать (george serebryakov)
keep things straightясно отличать одну вещь от другой (These two bottles look so much alike. It's hard to keep them straight. lop20)
keep things straightпроводить различие (Again, if you're having trouble keeping them (Your vs. You're) straight, try doing another grammar check before you hit publish. george serebryakov)
keep to a minimumудерживать на минимальном уровне (Andrey Truhachev)
keep something to oneselfдержать рот на замке (SirReal)
keep to yourselfдержаться особняком (Bullfinch)
keep to yourselfбыть наедине с собой (fluent)
keep top of mindиметь в виду в первую очередь (keep something top of mind sankozh)
keep top of mindдержать в приоритете (sankozh)
keep track of eventsдержать руку на пульсе событий (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
keep one's trap shutпомалкивать (Abysslooker)
keep one's trap shutдержать рот на замке (Abysslooker)
keep one's trap shutдержать язык за зубами (Abysslooker)
keep trying till the endпойти до конца (Phyloneer)
keep trying till the endидти до конца (Phyloneer)
keep under checkдержать под контролем (Navigatoress)
keep under one's eyeдержать под колпаком (VLZ_58)
keep something under one's hatдержать в секрете (Keep it under your hat for now Taras)
keep something under one's hatкак ни в чём не бывало (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep something under one's hatдержать в тайне (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep something under one's hatзамять (Yeldar Azanbayev)
keep sth. under one's hatпомалкивать ("Gretzky snuck beers to the Russians before the 1987 Canada Cup." "Gretz must have kept this one under his hat for several decades." -- помалкивал об этом не один десяток лет (Link to Wayne Gretzky's video) twitter.com ART Vancouver)
keep under thumbприжать к ногтю (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep under thumbдержать прижатым к ногтю (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep someone under one's thumbпод каблуком (Наташка молодец. Правда, она держит Антона под каблуком. Но это ему на пользу. Natasha is wonderful. It's true she keeps Anton under her thumb, but it's for his own good. Taras)
keep up the travestyломать комедию (You'd keep up the travesty longer, but even you don't have the stomach for it. VLZ_58)
keep up to speedбыть в курсе (We all had to read it every day to keep up to speed. Karbina)
keep smb. up to the collarзаваливать работой (Bobrovska)
keep smb. up to the collarне давать передохнуть (Bobrovska)
keep up withбыть в курсе (Точки над Е)
keep up with jonesкак в лучших домах, иметь всё самое лучшее и модное (люди, соревнующиеся во владении самым лучшим и модным, Idiom Definitions for "Keep up with the Joneses" People who try to keep up with the Joneses are competitive about material possessions and always try to have the latest and best things. Parhom)
keep visualотслеживать (Tion)
keep visualдержать в поле зрения (Tion)
keep within boundsудерживать в рамках (Andrey Truhachev)
keep wolf from the doorедва перебиваться с хлеба на воду (I don't make a lot of money, just enough to keep the wolf from the door. We have a small amount of money saved, hardly enough to keep the wolf from the door. kirobite)
keep your cards close to your vestне раскрывать своих карт (Natalia D)
keep your cards close to your vestне говорить лишнего (Natalia D)
keep your eyes on the prizeупорно идти к цели (SirReal)
keep your eyes on the prizeне опускать руки (SirReal)
keep your eyes on the prizeне забывать, ради чего стараешься (SirReal)
keep your eyes openпроявляйте бдительность (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police. ART Vancouver)
keep your eyes openбудьте бдительны (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police. ART Vancouver)
keep your eyes peeledсмотри в оба (Shurrka)
keep your eyes peeledсмотри внимательно (Shurrka)
keep your eyes skinnedсмотри в оба (Shurrka)
keep your eyes skinnedсмотри внимательно (= keep your eyes peeled Shurrka)
keep your fingers crossedтьфу-тьфу, чтобыы не сглазить (VLZ_58)
keep your fingers crossedтьфу-тьфу-тьфу через левое плечо (VLZ_58)
keep your head upбудь оптимистом (coltuclu)
keep your head upне отчаивайся (coltuclu)
Keep your pecker up!не вешай голову! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep your pecker up!выше нос! (Andrey Truhachev)
Keep your pecker up!не вешай нос! (Andrey Truhachev)
keep your purse and mouth closeкошелёк и рот следует закрывать
Keep your stick on the iceбыть готовым (досл. держи клюшку на льду Tarija)
let the shoemaker keep to his lastвсяк сверчок знай свой шесток (Yeldar Azanbayev)
mind! Keep away!чур!
set a fox to keep the geeseпустить козла в огород (Andrey Truhachev)
that's what I keep telling everyone!вот об этом я и говорю! (Himera)
that's what I keep telling everyone!о чём я и говорю!
that's what I keep telling everyone!а я о чём? (Himera)
trust the cat to keep the creamпустить козла в огород (Andrey Truhachev)
trust the God and keep your powder dryна Бога надейся, а сам не плошай (Avrelius)
watch does not keep perfect timeчасы не ходят должным образом (shapker)
when the dogs bark, the camels just keep walkingсобака лает, а караван идёт (Arabic proverb Alexander Oshis)
you cannot keep a lid on itна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Taras)
you can't keep a cat in the bagшило в мешке не утаишь (Vadim Rouminsky)
you do the math and keep it to yourselfсами посчитайте и никому не рассказывайте (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)