
Terms for subject Proverb containing judges | all forms
a good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judgeхороший юрист знает право, выдающийся юрист знает судью (You need to focus on people. We know which lawyers win with which case types and which judges. We have found that the judge-attorney pairing is worth 30.7 percent of an outcome. That’s why we focus on discovering the attorneys that win. Winning matters! The only people that get uncomfortable about evaluating attorneys by wins are attorneys. Everyone else in the world agrees that they would want a lawyer that wins over one that does not. When attorneys try to tell us that winning isn’t important (that many times a beneficial settlement is a win for the client, that certain attorneys might take disproportionately harder cases, so their win rates might be a little low), we tell them that clients seem to like it. Judgments were scored for the plaintiff, dismissals for the defendants, but motions and other non-dispositive proceedings are also scored. Clients, of course, want to select an attorney on the basis of winning. But other users include insurers and re-insurers that can mitigate claims risk by hiring the right lawyers. Other users include law firms that want to do marketing, proving that their firm’s lawyers win more than others. Or even attorney recruitment, to identify lateral hires that win. Some firms want to select good local counsel that wins disproportionately more in front of a specific judge. Alex_Odeychuk)
as sober as a judgeкак стёклышко
blind man can should judge no coloursсудит, как слепой о красках (этим. лат. caecus non judicat de colore Bobrovska)
blind men can judge no coloursслепому не дано судить о красках
blind men can judge no coloursне знаешь-не суйся
blind men can judge no coloursне знаешь – не суди
blind men can judge no coloursслепые о красках судить не могут
blind men can judge no coloursслепой курице всё пшеница (дословно: Слепые о красках судить не могут)
blind men should judge no coloursне знаешь-не суйся
blind men should judge no coloursслепому не дано судить о красках
do not judge others, and God will not judge youне судите и не судимы будете
don't judge a book by its coverчерна коровка, да бело молочко
don't judge a book by its coverвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму (Pediatrician)
don't judge a book by its coverвнешность обманчива (adelibnisgz)
don't judge a tree by its bark.внешность обманчива
don't judge a tree by its bark, but by its fruit.внешность обманчива
don't judge by appearancesвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму (источник – goo.gl)
don't judge others by yourselfпо себе других не судят (VLZ_58)
first you judge how nice, then you judge how wiseвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму (Lily Snape)
if jack is in love he is no judge of jill's beautyне с лица воду пить
if Jack is in love, he is no judge of Jill's beautyлюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла (VLZ_58)
if Jack is in love he is no judge of Jill's beautyс лица не воду пить
if jack's in love he's no judge of jill's beautyлюбовь зла – полюбишь и козла
jack is no judge of Jill's beautyне по хорошу мил, а по милу хорош
jack is no judge of Jill's beautyне то мило, что хорошо, а то хорошо, что мило
judge by one's own standardsмерить на свой аршин
judge not, and ye shall not be judgedне судите и не судимы будете
judge not lest ye be judgedне судите и не судимы будете
Judge not, lest ye be judgedне судите да не судимы будете (Tverskaya)
judge not of men and things at first sightне суди о людях в о вещах с первого взгляда
judge not of men and things at first sightнаружность обманчива
judge not of men and things at first sightкуда дерево клонилось, туда и повалилось
judge not of men and things at first sightличиком гладок, да делами гадок
judge not of men and things at first sightне всё то золото, что блестит
judge not, that ye be not judgedсам живи и давай жить другим
judge not, that ye be not judgedсам живи и другим не мешай
judge not, that ye be not judgedне судите и не судимы будете
judge people by their deeds, not wordsсуди людей по делам, а не по словам (VLZ_58)
never judge a book by its coverвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму
never judge by appearanceвнешность обманчива
never judge from appearancesнаружность обманчива (Bobrovska)
you cannot judge a tree by its barkнаружность обманчива
you cannot judge a tree by its barkне суди о дереве по его коре
you cannot judge a tree by its barkне суди об арбузе по корке, а о человеке – по платью
you cannot judge a tree by its barkпо дыму над баней пару не угадаешь (дословно: Нельзя судить о дереве по его коре. Смысл: наружность обманчива)
you cannot judge a tree by its barkвидимость обманчива
you cannot judge a tree by its barkнельзя судить о дереве по его коре (смысл: наружность обманчива)
you cannot judge a tree by its barkбело, да не серебро (дословно: Нельзя судить о дереве по его коре. Смысл: наружность обманчива)
you can't judge a book by its coverвстречают по одёжке, провожают по уму (Yeldar Azanbayev)