
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing is a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a man is the king in his houseхозяин − барин (Maggie)
a word is like a bird -- once it has flown from your mouth, you can never get it backслово не воробей, вылетит – не поймаешь
he is a poster boy for mental healthон-образец психического здоровья
he is a smart guyон парень не промах
his apartment is a real palaceу него не квартира, а хоромы
it is a big askпросить о большом одолжении (kozelski)
it is a go, thenтогда начинаем (Val_Ships)
on a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?Насколько вам плохо по шкале от одного до десяти? (Taras)
she is just a Barbie dollона просто куколка (Yeldar Azanbayev)
that's a givenа как иначе (as a statement Val_Ships)
that's a givenсамо собой ("obviously" or "that goes without saying" Val_Ships)
that's a givenбезусловно (That's a given he will win the first political debate this year. Val_Ships)
that's a real rip-off!это же грабеж среди бела дня! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
that's a wrapвот и всё (Taras)
that's a wrapэто всё (разг. Taras)
there is a big run on this bookэта книга раскупается нарасхват (Taras)
there is more than one way to skin a catвсегда есть другие способы (Our first approach didn't work, but we'll figure out some other way. There's more than one way to skin a cat.; для достижения цели Val_Ships)
this is a different animal altogetherэто тут ни при чём (Maggie)
this is a free countryу нас свободная страна (igisheva)
this is becoming a bit of a hassleэто уже начинает надоедать (Taras)
this is becoming a bit of a hassleэто уже начинает напрягать (Taras)