
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing is | all forms | exact matches only
as a general rule, my opinion is that military men must be kept out of it. It's folly to take their adviceя вообще считаю, что военных надо держать в стороне. Глупо с ними советоваться (Эренбург)
heavy is the head that wears the crownтяжела шапка Мономаха (примерное соответствие; The Shakespeare quote "uneasy is the head that wears a crown" is from Henry IV Part 2 is often now phrased as 'heavy is the head that wears the crown'. The phrase has become an English idiom meaning that those charged with major responsibility carry a heavy burden that makes it difficult for them to relax. nosweatshakespeare.com 4uzhoj)
is home toв нём проживают (What was once a sleepy Kampong, or village, of attap-roofed houses among coconut trees, strung along a sandy beach is now home to about 21,600 residents in more than 7,800 apartments. bloomberg.com ART Vancouver)
something is welcomeмы рады чем-либо (Every participation is welcome and will be discussed if needed. – Мы рады каждому участнику. I. Havkin)
it is aboutставить во главу угла (что-л. Abysslooker)
it is an honorдля меня очень почётно (It is an honour and a pleasure for me to open this meeting. Для меня очень приятно и почётно открывать это заседание. Mikhail11)
the joke is on youа вот и нет (Shabe)
the joke is on youтебе же хуже (Shabe)
the proof of the pudding is in the eatingпрактика – критерий истины (контекстный перевод translator911)
there is no substance behindбессодержательно, не иметь под собой серьёзных оснований (контекстный перевод EBelonogova)
this is found inэто находится в (Andy)
this is not the caseтут нет ничего такого
this is not the caseне в том дело
what you see is what you getпринимайте меня таким, какой я есть (Bellena)
where something is coming fromисточник ("NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia," Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday. "That is how the process has always worked and how it will proceed. I think it's important to remember where the provocative action is coming from. It's not the United States. It's not Ukraine." 4uzhoj)
which is my pointхочу сказать