
Terms for subject Contracts containing is | all forms | exact matches only
in "as is" condition, without warranty of any kindкак есть, без какой-либо гарантии (provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied • sell the property in "as is" condition ART Vancouver)
is deemed to be concludedсчитается заключённым (When contract is deemed to be concluded. A contract is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the insured is accepted by the insurer. ART Vancouver)
is not responsible and assumes no liabilityне несёт ответственности (While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, XYZ Inc. is not responsible and assumes no liability for any action by any person in utilizing this financial information. ART Vancouver)
the agreement is printed on one sheet on both sidesдоговор напечатан на одном листе с двух сторон ('More)