
Terms for subject Business containing international standard | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
draft international standardпроект международного стандарта
International Standard Book Numberingмеждународная стандартная нумерация книг (ISBN)
International Valuation StandardsМеждународные стандарты оценки (IVS ivsc.org Sukhopleschenko)
International Valuation Standards CommitteeМКСО (Sukhopleschenko)
International Valuation Standards CommitteeМеждународный комитет по стандартам оценки (IVSC is an NGO (Non-Government-Organization) member of the United Nations and works cooperatively with member States, organisations such as the World Bank, OECD, International Federation of Accountants, International Accounting Standards Board, and others including valuation societies throughout the world to harmonize and promote agreement and understanding of valuation standards. ivsc.org Sukhopleschenko)