
Terms for subject Law containing intermediate | all forms | exact matches only
Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's CourtПекинский народный суд промежуточной инстанции № 1 (КНР Alex_Odeychuk)
Beijing No. 2 People's Intermediate CourtПекинский народный суд промежуточной инстанции № 2 (Alex_Odeychuk)
intermediate agentпосредник (chekyel)
intermediate appellate courtпромежуточный апелляционный суд
intermediate balance sheetпромежуточный баланс
intermediate conditionпромежуточное состояние
intermediate courtпосреднический суд
intermediate courtтретейский суд
intermediate courtсуд промежуточной инстанции
Intermediate DietПромежуточное слушание (A hearing in summary criminal proceedings which allows the court to check whether the case is likely to proceed on the date assigned for trial. A purpose is to minimise inconvenience to witnesses etc. if the trial is adjourned. org.uk paburov)
intermediate entityпромежуточное юридическое лицо (between a company and its ultimate beneficial owners Leonid Dzhepko)
intermediate instanceпромежуточная инстанция
intermediate judicial proceduresпромежуточные судебные процедуры (vleonilh)
intermediate landingпромежуточное приземление
intermediate lesseeпромежуточный арендатор (dimthorn)
intermediate orderпромежуточный приказ суда
intermediate orderприказ суда по промежуточному вопросу
intermediate ownerпромежуточный владелец (Thorsen)
intermediate partyпосредник средний по приоритету заявки участник многостороннего коллизионного процесса (т. е. дела о столкновении патентных притязаний)
intermediate party in a multiparty interferenceсредний по приоритету заявки участник многостороннего коллизионного процесса (т.е. дела о столкновении патентных притязаний)
intermediate people's courtнародный суд промежуточной инстанции (КНР Alex_Odeychuk)
intermediate processчастное производство
intermediate processпромежуточный судебный приказ (особ. изданный в ходе судопроизводства приказ о вызове в суд)
intermediate processпромежуточное судебное производство
intermediate stateпромежуточное государство
intermediate termsпромежуточные условия (тж. innominate terms: In English law there is a technical distinction between terms of a contract: conditions, warranties and 'intermediate or innominate terms'. Conditions, if breached, give the right to rescission of the contract and damages; warranties, if breached, give a right to damages only; and conditions in the third category are remedied according to the factual consequences following the breach. • Terms of a *contract that cannot be classified as a *condition or *warranty. The parties to a contract may label the terms of the contract as either conditions or warranties and those labels will usually be respected by the courts provided that the result is reasonable. Similarly, certain terms have traditionally been treated as conditions or warranties even though they have not been labelled as such (for example, time clauses in mercantile contracts are to be treated as conditions). Innominate terms are those that will not fit the above categories. The remedy for breach of an innominate term will depend on whether or not the breach is of a fundamental nature, i.e. that the injured party has been deprived of substantially the whole of the benefit of the contract. If the injured party has been so deprived, he or she will be entitled to treat the contract as repudiated and claim damages. If not, the injured party will be entitled to damages only. ... 'More)
intermediate treatmentпромежуточный режим
Karze Prefecture Intermediate People's Courtнародный суд промежуточной инстанции префектуры Карзе (в провинции Сычуань, КНР Alex_Odeychuk)
Linyi City Intermediate People's Courtсуд промежуточной инстанции города Линьи (Alex_Odeychuk)
municipal intermediate people's courtгородской народный суд промежуточной инстанции (КНР Alex_Odeychuk)