
Terms containing intellectual game | all forms | in specified order only
chess.term.I have to confess that i have always disliked the fierce competitive spirit embodied in that highly intellectual gameДолжен сознаться, что я всегда недолюбливал тот дух жестокого соперничества, которым отмечена эта высокоинтеллектуальная игра (А. Эйнштейн)
lawintellectual gameумственная игра
gen.intellectual gameинтеллектуальная игра (Intellectual games are games of skill that require significant intelligence and cognitive effort. Intellectual games may be largely based on a wide or deep knowledge, where the major test is the person's ability to remember and recall. They may be played by a single person alone, by two people competing against one another, by a number of people all competing against one another, or by teams each competing against all others. They may well include a significant degree of problem-solving, where cryptic puzzles need to be solved or multiple sequences of moves planned. In games with two or more players, a good understanding of psychology can be helpful and perhaps also skill in deceit. changingminds.org Alexander Demidov)