
Terms for subject Microsoft containing infrared | all forms | exact matches only
infrared connectionинфракрасное соединение (A way to wirelessly connect computers and devices, using infrared light to send information)
infrared connectionинфракрасное подключение
infrared deviceинфракрасное устройство (A computer, or a computer peripheral such as a printer, that can communicate using infrared light)
infrared file transferпередача файлов по инфракрасному соединению (Wireless file transfer between a computer and another computer or device using infrared light)
infrared network connectionинфракрасное сетевое соединение (A direct or incoming network connection to a remote access server using an infrared port)
infrared portИК-порт (An optical port that can enable communication between computers, peripherals and mobile devices by using infrared light, without cables)
infrared portинфракрасный порт (An optical port that can enable communication between computers, peripherals and mobile devices by using infrared light, without cables)