
Terms for subject Veterinary medicine containing in disease | all forms
a satisfactory animal in terms of extremely dangerous and quarantine diseasesблагополучное по особо опасным и карантинным болезням животное (Анна Ф)
disease of horses and cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongueкарбункул языка (MichaelBurov)
disease of horses and cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongueсибиреязвенный карбункул языка (MichaelBurov)
disease of horses and cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongueсибирская язва языка (MichaelBurov)
the locality has been satisfactory for 12 months in terms of contagious diseasesместность благополучна в течение 12 месяцев по заразным болезням (Анна Ф)