
Terms for subject News style containing in | all forms | exact matches only
be in the worksотрабатываться
be in the worksнаходиться в стадии подготовки
be in the worksнаходиться в работе (т.е. в процессе подготовки, исполнения, реализации (напр., говоря о документе или каком-либо проекте); Washington Post, также встречается в репортажах CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
be in the worksнаходиться на стадии проработки (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
be in the worksнаходиться в разработке (This new YouTube app appears to be in the works for several months now and it will be the first time that a native YouTube client will make it to the Microsoft Store for PCs. 4uzhoj)
be in the worksпланироваться (A new Indigenous housing project is in the works for the West End. ART Vancouver)
be in the worksразрабатываться (Android and Chrome OS are the two operating systems known to be associated with Google. Well, soon or later, there's going to be a third. Best part, it's in the works already. Юрий Гомон)
have a leading hand in military operationsруководить военными операциями (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have a run-in with the lawпопасть в поле зрения правоохранителей (During that time he had two more run-ins with the law. One involved the sale of stolen property. The other was for a series of hot checks. – ...она попадала в поле зрения правоохранителей ещё дважы 4uzhoj)
in good standingне имеющий проблем (The companies wanted to stay in good standing with the government.)
in the faceна фоне (The Saudi coalition attacks came in the face of demands issued by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for the coalition to stop its deadly airstrikes against civilian targets in Yemen (NPM News) Yakov F.)
in the wake ofна фоне (Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks. • In fact, in recent decades the rash of sicknesses in the wake of indoor air pollution has led to the coining of the term "sick-building syndrome". aldrignedigen)
in the wake ofв свете (каких-либо событий: Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks. • Adam McKola, Andy Tate & Patrick Ryan discuss racism and football in the wake of Pogba's abuse. akimboesenko)
in the wake of these eventsна фоне этих событий (In the wake of last week's NATO meeting, Russia's reaction was predictable. ART Vancouver)
influential figures in law enforcement and security agenciesсиловики (rbth.com 4uzhoj)
more on that in a bitподробнее об этом читайте далее (dimock)
put someone in a tough spotпоставить в неловкое положение (кого-либо 4uzhoj)
put someone in a tough spotставить в неловкое положение (кого-либо: There really is no such thing as free advice, not for the person receiving it or giving it, as the president and a number of corporate CEOs on various economic advisory boards have experienced. Some have commented that this has put business leaders in a tough spot as the President they advise becomes more controversial in his statements about race and bigotry. mercurynews.com 4uzhoj)
put someone in a tough spotставить в трудное положение (VLZ_58)
put someone in a tough spotпоставить в трудное положение (VLZ_58)