
Terms for subject Proverb containing heart-in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
(every family house, community has its own private/ problems and troubles every heart knows its own bitterness. it is a poor kin that has neither whore nor thief in it a skeletons in every cupboard or closet.every house, ugly or nice, has its own problems and miceпод каждой крышей свой мыши ( NU[YK )
have a soft spot in one's heartслабая струнка
his her heart is in the right placeсердце не камень (one cannot help being responsive and merciful, everyone has feelings)
his heart was in his bootsдуша уходит в пятки
in one's heart of heartsв глубине души
one is nearer God's heart in a gardenжить как у Христа за пазухой
one's heart isn't in itдуша не лежит
religion is in the heart, not in the kneesвера в сердце, не в коленях
the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of mirthсердце мудреца – в доме плача, а сердце глупца – в доме смеха