
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing have not the foggiest | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
have not the foggiestне иметь ни малейшего представления (сокр. от have not the foggiest idea: I haven't the foggiest how, but this piece of plastic with three holes that you stick your fingers in, spin around and hurl across the room in a horribly annoying fashion, has captured their imaginations to the point that Raffi won't even have a bath without his. 4uzhoj)
have not the foggiest ideaне иметь ни малейшего представления (Sorry to say I haven't the foggiest idea how to get it open. • I haven't the foggiest idea how they intend to make money. • I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was going to do. • Nobody had the foggiest idea what was happening. В.И.Макаров)