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Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body"что никто не может быть задержан (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236 tart)
Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body"которые предусмотрены УПК (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236 tart)
Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body"лишён свободы иначе как на таких основаниях и в соответствии с такой процедурой (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236 tart)
Habeas corpus Habeas Corpus is an Act of Parliament, still in force today, which ensures that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. Literally translated, "habeas corpus' means 'you may have the body"личная неприкосновенность означает (bl.uk › learning › timeline › item104236 tart)
have been thrown out based on findings that the plaintiff had no right to sueбыть отклоненным в связи с отсутствием у истца права на обращение в суд (New York Times, 2020: Lawsuits have been thrown out based on findings that the plaintiffs had no right to sue. Alex_Odeychuk)
have no bearing in lawне иметь правового значения (Евгений Тамарченко)
have no claim againstне иметь претензий (к кому-либо алешаBG)
have no claim againstне иметь права на иск (к кому-либо алешаBG)
have no complaints againstне иметь претензий (Yurii Karpinskyi)
have no criminal recordк уголовной ответственности не привлекался (russiangirl)
have no effect onне оказывать влияния на (sankozh)
have no effect onне влиять на (sankozh)
have no formal basis in lawне иметь нормативно-правового оформления (не определяется законом или иным нормативно-правовым актом // Guardian, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
have no lawful basis to enter or remain in the United Statesне иметь законных оснований для въезда и проживания в США (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have no legal basisне иметь правовых оснований (to + inf. ... – для + отглаг. сущ. ...; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
have no legal bearingне иметь правового значения (Евгений Тамарченко)
have no legal capacityбыть неправомочным (Alex_Odeychuk)
have no legal capacityбыть неуполномоченным (to + inf. Alex_Odeychuk)
have no legal effect on the fact thatне оказывать никакого правового влияния на то обстоятельство, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
have no legal significanceне иметь правового значения (Alexander Demidov)
have no liability toне нести юридической ответственности за перед (ABC Inc. may deduct and withhold such amounts pursuant to applicable law, and may remit the same to the applicable authority, and ABC Inc. shall have no liability to the Client therefor. – за что ABC Inc. не будет нести перед Клиентом юридической ответственности ART Vancouver)
have no personal enmityне иметь личной неприязни (with ... – к, по отношению к ... ; Associated Press Alex_Odeychuk)
have no powers greater than those expressly conferred on them by law.не иметь иных полномочий кроме тех, которые прямо определёны законом. (Alex_Odeychuk)
have no powers greater than those expressly conferred on them by lawне иметь иных полномочий кроме тех, которые прямо определены законом (Alex_Odeychuk)
have no reason to thinkне иметь оснований полагать, что (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
have no say in the matterне иметь права голоса (What pretensions to me, John, you beautifully know, that I had no say in the matter at that assembly of shareholders, I have been allowed there as the observer and no at most.Какие претензии ко мне,Джон,ты прекрасно знаешь,что я не имел права голоса на том собрании акционеров, я был допущен туда как наблюдатель и не более того. Rust71)
have no standing in the lawнезаконный (The referendum that took place in Crimea is both irrelevant and deeply significant. Irrelevant because it has no standing in the law of the country to which it applies, and because it took place while the autonomous region was under military occupation. International bodies are unlikely to recognise its outcome: the UN security council voted by 13-1 to condemn it on Saturday, with only Russia voting against. 4uzhoj)
have no tangible consequencesне иметь реальных правовых последствий (Illusory transactions that exist on paper but have no tangible consequences may be voided in court, especially if used as a tax shelter or other deceptive device. 4uzhoj)
I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of this documentя не имею сомнений в подлинности настоящего документа (Johnny Bravo)
no claims or actions have been made in respect thereofне является объектом требований и исков (NaNa*)
no insolvency proceedings have been commenced against the Sellerпротив продавца не возбуждено производство о несостоятельности (Лео)
shall have the right, but no obligation to do somethingимеет право, но не обязан (Евгений Тамарченко)
the bills of exchange have no power to vary or novate this jurisdiction clauseУсловия переводного векселя не могут изменить положение о подсудности споров