
Terms for subject Proverb containing have no | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
death when it comes will have no denialсмерть не спросит, придёт да скосит (дословно: Когда смерть придёт, ей не откажешь)
death when it comes will have no denialот смерти не уйдёшь
death when it comes will have no denialот смерти не спрячешься
death when it comes will have no denialот смерти не откупишься (дословно: Когда смерть придёт, ей не откажешь)
death when it comes will have no denialот смерти не уйдешь
death when it comes will have no denialот смерти не убежишь
death when it comes will have no denialкогда смерть придёт, ей не откажешь
desire has no restохота пуще неволи (used when one starts a (hard, difficult, etc) work not because of a real necessity but of a personal pleasure and/or hobby- like desire to do it)
gods send nuts to those who have no teethкогда зубов не стало, тогда и орехов принесли (igisheva)
have no words forне находить слов для чего (imp.; only indie.; something)
horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oatsкто не работает, тот не ест не
Hungry bellies have no earsс погляденья сыт не будешь (VLZ_58)
hungry bellies have no earsу голодного брюха нет уха
if it weren't for bad luck have no luck at allне было бы счастья, да несчастье помогло (Букв.: Если бы не неудача, не было бы и удачи. Rust71)
meeting your death is no fear when you have got people round youна миру́ и смерть красна́
meeting your death is no fear when you have got people round youна людях и смерть красна
meeting your death is no fear when you have got people round youс людьми и смерть красна
money has no smellденьги не пахнут
no axe can cut out what a pen has written aboutчто написано пером, того не вырубишь топором
no one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasersсовершенных нет (Баян)
no one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasersсовершенных не бывает (Баян)
no one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasersникто не совершенен (Баян)
one has no time to doруки не доходят (something)
the belly has no ears, hungry bellies have no earsсоловья баснями не кормят
the gods send nuts to those who have no teethбоги присылают орехи тем, у кого нет зубов
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatза неимением гербовой пишут на простой (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatна безлюдье и сидни в чести (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatна безмирье и Фома дворянин (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых и кривой в чести (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatс худой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый вождь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatв слепом царстве кривой – король (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый вождь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый царь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый водырь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый царь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый водырь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatна бесптичье и ворона соловей (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatна безлюдье и Фома дворянин (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatза неимением гербовой пишут и на простой (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatешь щи с мясом, а нет, так и хлеб с квасом (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatв поле и жук мясо (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatв слепом царстве кривой – король (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatв темноте и гнилушка светит (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eatна безрыбье и рак рыба
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatза неимением гербовой пишут на простой (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatна безлюдье и сидни в чести (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatна безлюдье и Фома дворянин (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatна безмирье и Фома дворянин (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых и кривой в чести (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatна безрыбье и рак рыба (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatс худой собаки хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый водырь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый царь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatв слепом царстве кривой – король (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый водырь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый царь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый вождь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatпромеж слепых кривой – первый вождь (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatна бесптичье и ворона соловей (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatза неимением гербовой пишут и на простой (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatв слепом царстве кривой – король (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatв темноте и гнилушка светит (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatешь щи с мясом, а нет, так и хлеб с квасом (igisheva)
they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eatв поле и жук мясо (igisheva)
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс одного вола двух шкур не сдерёшь
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat but her skinс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс паршивой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)
you can have no more of a cat than her skinс лихой собаки хоть шерсти клок (used sarcastically to mean: one must be thankful for small mercies, for what little you have managed to gel from him)