
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing hardly | all forms
I need hardlyвряд ли мне нужно (говорить, напоминать и т.п.: Mr Bawn, I need hardly tell you, is a man of considerable dignity and I would not leave him here.)
I need hardlyдумаю, будет лишним (говорить, напоминать и т.п.: How I welcomed Night Duty, I need hardly say. • I need hardly say that my wife's first impression of Lewis differed somewhat from my own.)
I need hardlyполагаю, мне не нужно (говорить, напоминать и т.п.: "I need hardly tell you why I'm here," he said. "No doubt you've already seen the flag over the Town Hall." • I need hardly say how heartily I sympathize with the purposes of the Audubon Society.)
I need hardlyедва ли мне нужно (говорить, напоминать и т.п.: I need hardly remind you that this information is confidential. • I need hardly tell you that this is a great step forward for Britain, and indeed I may say, for the whole world.)