
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing handing | all forms
get one's hands onразыскать ("Doug Pridgen made a video of a concert near an apple orchard. Upon review it seems to be two creatures, and the small one is swinging in the tree." Sounds creepy, right? Another Baby Bigfoot Sighting in 1997: On May 23rd of 1997, video footage allegedly captured evidence of a Baby Bigfoot (Babyfoot?). We need to get our hands on that video. (wpdh.com)  ART Vancouver)
hand a blank checkпредоставить свободу действий (VLZ_58)
hand a blank checkдать карт-бланш (The director had a lot of creative freedom on this project; the film's backers essentially handed him a blank check. [=let him direct the film exactly the way he wanted to] VLZ_58)
hand a blank checkразвязать руки (VLZ_58)
hand someone a lineвешать лапшу на уши (Rust71)
hand in gloveбыть с сговоре (Yeldar Azanbayev)
hand in glove withбыть с сговоре (Yeldar Azanbayev)
hand over the reins of powerпередать бразды правления (4uzhoj)
hand the mittenотказать (ухажёру, о девушке ART Vancouver)
hand someone the reignsпередать бразды правления (of power 4uzhoj)
hands downоднозначно (Vadim Rouminsky)