
Terms for subject General containing handicapped | all forms | exact matches only
mentally defective or handicapped mentally childдефективный ребёнок
handicapped childребёнок-инвалид (Andrey Truhachev)
handicapped childrenдети с физическими ограничениями (Samorukova)
handicapped entranceвход для людей с ограниченными возможностями (вход, оснащенный специальными поручнями и пандусами для инвалидных колясок Lana Falcon)
handicapped entranceвход для инвалидов (Lana Falcon)
handicapped orphanсирота-инвалид (Lana Falcon)
handicapped peopleлюди с ограниченными возможностями (The word handicapped is first recorded in the early 20th century in the sense referring to a person's mental or physical disabilities. It was the standard term in British English until relatively recently but, like many terms in this sensitive field, its prominence has been short-lived. In reference to physical disability, it is now rather dated and may even be found offensive. It has been superseded by more recent terms such as disabled. (NOED) Alexander Demidov)
handicapped placardопознавательный знак транспортного средства "Инвалид" (OlgaRoz)
his short-sightedness seriously handicapped his studiesиз-за близорукости ему было очень трудно заниматься
mentally-handicapped childдефективный ребёнок
mentally handicapped personлицо, страдающие психическими заболеваниями (a mentally handicapped person has a problem with their brain, often from the time they are born, that affects their ability to think or control their body movements. LDOCE Alexander Demidov)
physically handicapped personsфизически ослабленные лица (google.com hellbourne)
reserved for the handicapped, the elderly and passengers with childrenместо места для инвалидов, лиц пожилого возраста, и пассажиров с детьми (tavost)