
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing guarding | all forms
guard something with one's lifeхранить что-то как зеницу ока (lumosz)
with one's guard downрасслабившись (The part of the experience that still utterly scares the witness to this day is that whatever he saw was definitely stalking up that ditch to get to him when he had his back turned to it. “Otherwise, I can’t possibly explain what had triggered those emotions when I stood there in the darkness with my guard completely down. -- я полностью расслабился mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
with one's guard downврасплох (The part of the experience that still utterly scares the witness to this day is that whatever he saw was definitely stalking up that ditch to get to him when he had his back turned to it. “Otherwise, I can’t possibly explain what had triggered those emotions when I stood there in the darkness with my guard completely down. -- я был совершенно застигнут врасплох mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)