
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing greatest | all forms | exact matches only
a great deal has changedс тех пор много воды утекло (Alex_Odeychuk)
achieve great triumphsдобиться больших высот (sissoko)
adversity is a great schoolmasterнужда-великий учитель (Yeldar Azanbayev)
adversity is a great schoolmasterпревратности судьбы суровая, но эффективная школа (Yeldar Azanbayev)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulбудто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак будто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
at great personal costдорого обойтись кому-л. (о серьёзных последствиях: Two rocket engineers tried to stop the fatal launch of Challenger the night before its final flight, including Roger Boisjoly, who warned that the weather may be too cold given the issue with the seals. After the accident, they fought an attempted cover-up and brought the truth to light at what would be great personal cost. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
cross the Great Divideотойти в мир иной (delta)
do a great job ofотлично справиться с задачей (doing something VLZ_58)
do a great job onотлично справиться с (sankozh)
empty vessels make greatest soundпустая бочка пуще гремит
get it going great gunsраздувать кадило (Успешно развёртывать какую-либо деятельность. – Будем работать вместе, как два компаньона… Подберём опытных служащих и раздуем кадило так, что ваш Громов треснет от зависти (Шишков. Угрюм-река). VLZ_58)
go through great trialsпройти через серьёзные испытания (VLZ_58)
go to great lengthsприкладывать все усилия (In this market, some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive to buyers. ART Vancouver)
go to great lengthsприложить значительные усилия (I went to great lengths to explain to him that he was not in any trouble. Val_Ships)
go to great painsприлагать все усилия (Dude67)
great deal ofбольшая часть (Yeldar Azanbayev)
great deal ofмного (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in great nickв превосходном состоянии (VLZ_58)
in matters great and smallв большом и в малом (ART Vancouver)
in the great scheme of thingsв самых общих чертах (Val_Ships)
in the great scheme of thingsв общем и целом (when all things are considered Val_Ships)
in the great scheme of thingsесли смотреть на всё шире (I was disappointed not to get the job, but it's not that important in the great scheme of things. Val_Ships)
make great play ofраздувать до небес (They made great play of a minor kick in the product to knock the price down. APN)
make great play ofпридавать непомерное значение (They made great play of a minor kick in the product to knock the price down. APN)
take great painsприлагать все усилия
tell at great lengthрассказывать со семи подробностями (Andrey Truhachev)
tell at great lengthпространно рассказывать (Andrey Truhachev)
tell at great lengthрассказывать во всех подробностях (Andrey Truhachev)
the greatest thing since sliced breadвысший сорт (younenari)
the greatest thing since sliced breadлучшая вещь (younenari)
the greatest thing since sliced breadвеличайшее изобретение (younenari)
throw the great castпринять жизненно важное решение (Bobrovska)
throw the great castрискнуть всем (Bobrovska)
we are not just sitting around and waiting for the business to be greatфирма веников не вяжет (Taras)
we were going great guns!знай наших! (VLZ_58)
without enduring great losses, making major concessions, or exerting great effortмалой кровью (VLZ_58)
without great adoбез всякой помпы (Andrey Truhachev)
without great adoбез шума (Andrey Truhachev)
you'll do greatу тебя всё получится (Shabe)