
Terms for subject Business containing goods and services | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
balance of goods and servicesбаланс товаров и услуг
balance on goods and servicesбаланс по торговле и услугам
Chief of Department for Planning and Sales Analysis of Goods and Servicesначальник отдела по планированию и анализу сбыта товаров и услуг (Цветмет Soulbringer)
competitiveness of goods and servicesконкурентоспособность товаров и услуга
cost of goods and servicesстоимость товаров и услуг
export of goods and servicesэкспорт товаров и услуга
flow of goods and servicesпоток товаров и услуг
goods and servicesтовары и услуги
goods and services balanceбаланс товаров и услуг
goods and services for own accountтовары и услуги за свой счёт
goods, works and servicesтовары, работы и услуги (nikulyak)
list of goods and servicesперечень товаров и услуг
patent classification of goods and servicesклассификация товаров и услуга
patent classification of goods and servicesклассификация товаров и услуг
receipts from marketing goods and servicesдоход от продаж и услуг
receipts from marketing goods and servicesвыручка от реализации товаров и услуг
supplier of goods and servicesпоставщик товаров и услуг
Unsolicited Goods and Services ActЗакон о незапрошенных товарах и услугах (ksuh)