
Terms for subject Formal containing goes | all forms
go further into the matterболее тщательно разобраться в этом вопросе (ART Vancouver)
go towards the purchaseпотратить на приобретение / покупку (The western half would be sold for redevelopment, and the proceeds would go towards the purchase of the last two privately held residential lots on Nelson Avenue (2444 and 2448 Nelson Ave.), part of council's long-term plans for the Waterfront Park vision. Staff estimated those two lots are worth about $12 million together. (North Shore News) ART Vancouver)
go towards the purchaseизрасходовать на приобретение / покупку (The western half would be sold for redevelopment, and the proceeds would go towards the purchase of the last two privately held residential lots on Nelson Avenue (2444 and 2448 Nelson Ave.), part of council's long-term plans for the Waterfront Park vision. Staff estimated those two lots are worth about $12 million together. (North Shore News) ART Vancouver)
go uncountedостаться не охваченным учётом (  Alex_Odeychuk)