
Terms containing from over | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mil.attack from over the horizonудар с загоризонтной дальности
mil.attack from over the horizonатака с загоризонтной дальности
gen.from over the seaиз-за моря
media.from over the yearsушедших лет (many iconic pieces of railway equipment from over the years ART Vancouver)
inf.from "over there"из-за бугра (Websites open the business to the wonderful world of international sales, and sometimes I wonder how they go about learning how to handle any orders they might receive from ‘over there.' Many businesses are retail oriented, so small orders can be easily handled with credit cards and postal international shipping. But often there can be more, much more, to it than that. columbiatribune.com 4uzhoj)
inf.from over thereаж оттуда (4uzhoj)
gen.he looked at her from over his spectaclesон посмотрел на неё поверх очков
SAP.fin.write-ups from over-depreciationкорректировка амортизации с понижающим коэффициентом