
Terms for subject Microsoft containing forward forward | all forms
alert forwardingпересылка предупреждений (A process which forwards alerts from zone configuration group to master configuration group)
Assured Forwardingгарантированная переадресация (A class for the delivery of video media streams)
carry forwardпереносить (To transfer closing account balances from one accounting period to opening account balances in the subsequent accounting period)
carry-forward budgetперенесённый бюджет (The budget that is transferred from one fiscal year to the next and that is reserved for open purchase orders in the new fiscal year)
End of slide show, swipe forward to exit.Показ слайдов завершён. Чтобы выйти, проведите пальцем вперёд. (PowerPoint 2013 Rori)
forward mailboxпочтовый ящик для пересылки (A mailbox used by the E-mail Router to route incoming Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail messages and create activities for individual users)
forward proxyпрокси-сервер переадресации (An intermediate server that sits between the client and the origin server. To retrieve content from the origin server, the client sends a request to the proxy naming the origin server as the target. The proxy then requests the content from the origin server and returns the content to the client. Rori)
forward schedulingпланирование от начальной даты
forward slashкосая чёрта (The / character)
forward-only cursorкурсор последовательного доступа (A cursor that cannot be scrolled; rows can be read only in sequence from the first row to the last row)
Perfect Forward SecrecyПолная безопасность пересылки (Andy)
roll forwardнакат (To apply logged changes to the data in a roll forward set to bring the data forward in time)
roll forward setнабор данных наката (The set of all data restored by a restore sequence. A roll forward set is defined by restoring a series of one or more data backups)
skip forwardперейти вперёд (Andy)
skip forwardперемотать вперёд (Andy)
Swipe forwardЖест прокрутки вперёд (PowerPoint 2013 Rori)