
Terms for subject Proverb containing for one | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a single thread from everyone -and there's a shirt for a naked oneс миру по нитке – голому рубашка
a single thread from everyone -and there's a shirt for a naked oneс миру по нитке – голому рубаха
all for one, one for allвсе за одного, один за всех
all for one, one for allодин за всех и все за одного (an old proverb known in a number of European languages; first used in literature by William Shakespeare Olga Okuneva)
answer for one trouble, answer for sevenсемь бед-один ответ
for one that is missing there's no spoiling a weddingсемеро одного не ждут (it is no good when many people have to wait for one person, many must not wait for one)
love is crass, one may fall for an assлюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла (VLZ_58)
love is dumb, one may fall for a crumbлюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла (VLZ_58)
love is evil, one may fall for a devilлюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла (VLZ_58)
love is not fair one may fall for a bugbearлюбовь зла – полюбишь и козла
love isn't fair, one may fall for a bugbearлюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла (mare VLZ_58)
never hang a man twice for one offenceза один проступок не наказывают дважды
no one can know for sureбабушка гадала, надвое сказала (VLZ_58)
occupy a post one is not qualified forсесть не в свой сани
occupy a post one is not qualified forсадиться не в свой сани
one can cross the whole land for a friendдля друга – семь вёрст не околица
one can cross the whole land for a friendдля милого дружка и семь вёрст не околица
one can cross the whole land for a friendдля друга и семь вёрст не околица (he who really wants to see his friend or darling would not mind covering some extra miles to do it)
one for all, all for oneодин за всех, все за одного
one has no inclination forсердце (у кого) не лежит к (кому, к чему; something)
one law for the rich, and another for the poorзакон, что конь: куда захочешь, туда поворотишь (дословно: Для богатых один закон, а для бедных другой)
one law for the rich, and another for the poorдля богатых один закон, а для бедных другой
one law for the rich and another for the poorзакон что паутина: шмель проскочит, а муха увязнет
one law for the rich and another for the poorзакон что конь: куда захочешь, туда и поворотишь
one may as well or good be hanged or hung for a sheep as for a lambсемь бед-один ответ (once one has committed an offence involving punishment, one need not hesitate to commit further offences which will involve no greater penally, let's disregard the regulations, let's do it)
one might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.Раз пошла такая пьянка – режь последний огурец!
one might as well or good be hanged or hung for a sheep as for a lambсемь бед-один ответ (once one has committed an offence involving punishment, one need not hesitate to commit further offences which will involve no greater penally, let's disregard the regulations, let's do it)
one more member for the clubв нашем полку прибыло (used with joy, satisfaction or gratitude to mean: the number of us has increased, some more people have joined us (our group, community, society))
one more member for the clubнашего полку прибыло (used with joy, satisfaction or gratitude to mean: the number of us has increased, some more people have joined us (our group, community, society))
exchange of one thing for anotherбаш на баш
one will pay for itкому даром не пройдёт (only fut. when used as threat)
one's heart is bleeding forсердце болит за (кого, что, о ком, о чем; someone, something)
say not the mermaid is a myth, I knew one named Mrs Smith, she stood while playing cards or knitting, mermaids are not equipped for sittingкто говорит: русалок не бывало? а миссис Смит? Та, что всегда стояла, она бы с удовольствием присела, да не имела важной части тела
seven don't wait for oneсемеро одного не ждут
that's one up for our side!в нашем полку прибыло
that's one up for our side!нашего полку прибыло
there's always room for one moreв тесноте, да не в обиде
too much of one thing is good for nothingприглядится милый тошнее постылого
too much of one thing is good for nothingхорошенького понемножку
too much of one thing is good for nothingхорошего понемножку
too much of one thing is good for nothingи лучшая песенка приедается
try to do one is not fit forсесть не в свой сани
try to do one is not fit forсадиться не в свой сани
what's good for one is bad for anotherо вкусах не спорят
what's good for one is bad for anotherу всякого свой вкус: один кладёт в карман, другой – в картуз
what's good for one is bad for anotherу всякого свой вкус: кто любит арбуз, а кто – свиной хрящик
what's good for one is bad for anotherчто полезно одному, то другому вредно
when you go for a trip which is one day long, it is bread for seven days you should take alongедешь на день, хлеба бери на неделю