
Terms for subject Informal containing for all | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a free-for-allбазар
all agog for husbandsвсе очень хотят замуж (baiburin)
all for naughtзря
all for nothingвсё впустую (Andrey Truhachev)
all for nothingвсё пустое (so_what_86)
all for nothingвсё напрасно (Andrey Truhachev)
all for nothingвсё зря (Andrey Truhachev)
be all for nothingвсё напрасно (Andrey Truhachev)
be all for nothingвсё впустую (Andrey Truhachev)
be all for nothingвсё зря (Andrey Truhachev)
do all the washing forобстирывать
for all it is worthна полную железку (VLZ_58)
for all one is worthчто есть мочи
for all one is worthизо всей мочи
for all one is worthпочём зря
for all one is worthнапропалую
for all one is worthво всю мочь
for all one/it is worthво всю ивановскую (There are two common explanations of the origin of this idiom, one connecting it with Ivanovskaya Square, the place in the Kremlin where the tsar's decrees were announced for all to hear, and the other connecting it with the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, also located within the Kremlin. The latter explanation traces the idiom to an expression used by bell ringers, "Звонить во всю колокольную фамилию", ("to ring all the bells in the bell tower"). The full complement of bells in the Ivan the Great Bell Tower was called "ивановская". VLZ_58)
for all to hearво все колокола
for all you careхотя вам и всё равно (Technical)
for no reason at allза здоро́во живёшь
for no reason at allза здорово живешь
for no reason at allсбоку припёка
for no reason at allни к селу ни к городу
for no reason at allни к селу, ни к городу
for no reason at allсбоку припека
for no reason at allзря
for no reason at allс боку припека
for no serious reason at allпочём зря (безо всякой видимой причины 4uzhoj)
free-for-allбезудержный (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
free-for-allнеуправляемый (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
free-for-allмамаево побоище
free-for-allпобоище (VLZ_58)
free-for-allпотасовка (VLZ_58)
free-for-allкому не лень (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
get something sorted once and for allзакрыть вопрос (4uzhoj)
go all out for a whileпопыжиться
he is over there cursing for all he is worthон там ругается последними словами
he stood in line all morning for ticketsон всё утро простоял в хвосте за билетами
he wasn't trying for that at allон вовсе не этого добивался
howl for all one is worthревмя реветь (VLZ_58)
I bought all sorts of things for the houseя купил всякой всячины для дома
I wouldn't agree to that for all the tea in Chinaя не соглашусь ни за какие коврижки
I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China!хрена с два! (Taras)
I'm all forя – за
I'm all for it!я только за! (Soulbringer)
I'm all for itя всей душой (Yeldar Azanbayev)
look for something all over the placeобрыскать (рыская в поисках кого-либо, чего-либо, побывать во многих местах)
look for something all over the placeобрыскать
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие деньги (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за что (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие блага (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие кренделя (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие сокровища мира! (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за что на свете (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
one who keeps all good stuff for himselfкуркуль (только в контексте 4uzhoj)
remember this once and for allзапомни раз и навсегда! (valtih1978)
remember this once and for allзаруби себе на носу! (напр.: Заруби себе на носу: тут только один начальник. Remember this once and for all: There is just one boss here. перевод и пример взяты у Michele A. Berdy)
run for all one is worthбежать во все лопатки
sew all the clothes forобшить
sew all the clothes forобшивать
she is all wrong for meона не для меня
she is all wrong for meона мне совершенно не подходит
she was scolding him for all she was worthона его ругательски ругала
that's all she wrote for nowтакие вот дела (=на этом пока все 4uzhoj)
the devil for allад для всех (nancy_byr)
the devil for allкошмар для всех (nancy_byr)
the rulebook doesn't play the same for allзакон не один для всех (Alex_Odeychuk)
you got angry at him for no reason at allвы зря на него рассердились