
Terms for subject Sakhalin containing for agreement | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Agreement for cooperationсоглашение о сотрудничестве
service agreement – the agreement that defines the work done by the service provider for the asset holderдоговор о предоставлении услуг
service provider – a contractor or other body that carries out work for an asset holder under terms of a service agreement. All activities on the asset are performed through service providers either using their own resources or making use of third parties.поставщик услуг
Sheet for agreement and approvalПодписной лист (pipa1984)
tanker owners voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollutionдобровольное соглашение владельцев танкеров относительно ответственности за загрязнение нефтью (TOVALOP; ТОВАЛОП)