
Terms for subject Law containing flow | all forms | exact matches only
continuous-flow growthнепрерывное проточное культивирование (Alexander Demidov)
flow-down clausesположения, подлежащие обязательному включению в договоры с субподрядчиками (In general, flow-down clauses provide that a subcontractor is subject to the same rights and obligations to which the prime contractor is subject under the prime contract. They systematically ensure that an owner's expectations of quality and contract administration run through the whole project.: Flow-down Clauses. (01/19) Contractor shall include the following clauses, or substantially similar language, in its subcontracts under this Contract: • Clauses in a subcontract which incorporate the general contract by reference, and which bind the subcontractor to the general contractor to the same extent the general contractor is bound to the owner, are referred to as “flow down” clauses. Their use is widespread, and they are found in most subcontract forms. Despite harmless sounding language, flow down clauses constitute one of the most powerful provisions in a subcontract. corwinlaw.com 'More)
flow down provisionsавтоматически включаемые в договор положения (Leonid Dzhepko)
flow down provisionsположения договора генерального подряда, подлежащие включению в договоры субподряда (A flow down clause is a contract provision by which the parties incorporate the terms of the general contract between the owner and the general contractor into the lower tier agreement. It may also be referred to as a pass-through or conduit clause. They are most common in construction contracts. Such provisions state that the subcontractor is bound to the contractor in the same manner as the contractor is bound to the owner in the prime contract. Flow-down provisions help to ensure that the subcontractor's obligations to the contractor mirror the contractor's obligations to the owner. uslegal.com 'More)
flow of commoditiesтоварные потоки
flow-through provisionданное положение (sandra_sandra)
loading flow rateпроизводительность налива (Alexander Demidov)
mass flow meterприбор массового расхода (Alexander Demidov)
process flow segmentпроизводственный участок (Alexander Demidov)
traffic flow chartтранспортная схема (Alexander Demidov)