
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing fell into | all forms | in specified order only
fall back into one's old waysвзяться за старое (Maggie)
fall into a routineвойти в привычную колею (Maggie)
fall into disrepairоказаться в запущенном состоянии (Val_Ships)
fall into disrepairначать разрушаться (We've made a study of the number of school buildings falling into disrepair. Val_Ships)
fall into one's lapполучить как нежданный подарок (You can't expect the ideal job to just fall into your lap – you've got to go out there and look for it. Val_Ships)
fall into placeприобретать смысл (Once he knew what to look for, the theory fell quickly into place. Val_Ships)