
Terms containing fact pattern | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
lawfact patternфактические обстоятельства дела (Пример: The details of the case, called a "fact pattern," provide the framework for leal research... books.google.co.uk/books?isbn=0415935806... Dorian Roman)
gen.fact patternсуть дела (A fact pattern is basically the facts of the case–a description of the situation. A legal class in undergrad used fact patterns for our tests: it was basically a 1-2 page statement of what happened and we had to pick out the legal issues. I am in law school currently and it is what we use for our finals. I have never heard it used in regards to an actual case though. Alexander Demidov)
AI.fact pattern networkсеть сопоставления фактов с образцом (Alex_Odeychuk)
lawin this fact patternс учётом данных обстоятельств (felog)