
Terms containing face -cloth | all forms | in specified order only
textilecloth faceлицевая сторона ткани
hygien.cloth face coverтканевая маска для лица (CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. 'More)
hygien.cloth face coveringтканевая маска для лица ('More)
hygien.cloth face maskтканевая маска для лица (A cloth face mask is a mask made of common textiles, usually cotton, worn over the mouth and nose. wikipedia.org 'More)
textilecloth with similar facesдвухсторонняя ткань
gen.face clothсаван
brit.face clothмочалка (VLZ_58)
gen.face clothпокров
trav.face clothполотенце для лица (I need a face cloth and a towel, please. ART Vancouver)
textileface clothосновонастилочная ткань
textileface of clothлицевая сторона ткани
textileface of clothлицо ткани
gen.face of clothправая сторона (ткани)
gen.face-clothличное полотенце