
Terms containing exit strategy | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bank.debt exit strategyстратегия погашения долга (mizgertina)
gen.exit strategyспособ завершения (чего-либо: сделки, отношений, участия и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
gen.exit strategyстратегия выхода (из конфликта, войны и т.п.; 1. a method or plan for extricating oneself from an undesirable situation 2. a plan and timetable for withdrawal from a military engagement 3. the method by which an investor intends to cash out of an investment Example Sentences Including 'exit strategy' All wars end, and Lord North was alert to the need for an exit strategy. Hugh Bicheno REBELS AND REDCOATS: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR (2003) But in such an intractable situation, only lateral thinking will provide a real exit strategy. MISC (1999) Ford boss Richard Parry-Jones rapped: "We are not considering any exit strategy. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2002) It doesn't look like they had an exit strategy worked out. INDIA TODAY (1999) Provided eradication is achieved, it is understood the taskforce will adopt an exit strategy at the conclusion of its current funding. THE MERCURY, SUNDAY TASMANIAN (2004) To do that, he needs to offer the electorate a firm exit strategy. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2005). Collins Alexander Demidov)
mil.exit strategyстратегия завершения операции
gen.exit strategyспособ прекращения (чего-либо: договора, отношений и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
lawexit strategyварианты разрешения ситуации (sankozh)
intell.exit strategyплан отхода (What's his exit strategy? Taras)
EBRDexit strategyстратегия изъятия капитала (oVoD)
EBRDexit strategyстратегия ухода (изъятия капитала)
polit.exit strategyстратегия выхода
IMF.exit strategyстратегия "выхода" (exchange rate pegging)
polit.exit strategyстратегия свёртывания деятельности
invest.exit strategyпредполагаемый заранее порядок прекращение участия (в предприятии, проекте и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
gen.exit strategyвыход из сложных ситуаций (a pre-arranged plan whereby one leaves an awkward or uncomfortable situation with as much subtlety as possible. opposite of walk of shame when applied to a sexual scenario. "Let's plan an exit strategy for that party incase it gets boring." "I'm glad I had an exit strategy put in place the next morning, she looked much better with the beer goggles on the night before!" UD Alexander Demidov)
busin.exit strategy of investmentспособ выхода из объекта инвестиций (Alexander Matytsin)
EBRDexit strategy of investmentстратегия выхода из проекта (изъятия капитала)
EBRDexit strategy of investmentстратегия изъятия инвестиций
busin.exit strategy of investmentметодика выхода из объекта инвестиций (Alexander Matytsin)
busin.exit strategy of investmentплан выхода из объекта инвестиций (Alexander Matytsin)
gen.project exit strategyмеханизм выхода из проекта (Alexander Demidov)
econ.ultimate exit strategyстратегия последнего выхода (teterevaann)