
Terms for subject Microsoft containing exchange-rate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
exchange rateвалютный курс (The rate at which the currency of one country or region can be traded against that of another country or region)
exchange rate adjustmentкурсовая разница (A modification to a converted monetary amount when the exchange rate between the quotation unit and the base unit change)
Exchange rate between the transaction currency and the base currencyОбменный курс валюты транзакции по отношению к базовой валюте организации (Dynamics CRM 4.0)
exchange rate typeтип валютного курса (A classification that groups exchange rates. Rori)
exchange-rate adjustmentкоррекция валютного курса (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
fixed exchange rateфиксированный курс (ssn)