
Terms for subject Microsoft containing escape-sequence | all forms | in specified order only
control escape sequenceуправляющая escape-последовательность (In regular expressions, a backslash followed by the letter "c" followed by one of the letters "a" through "z" or "A" through 'Z'. It matches the ASCII control character that is named by that letter)
escape sequenceescape-последовательность (A character combination consisting of an escape character, usually a backslash, followed by a letter or by a combination of digits)
hexadecimal escape sequenceшестнадцатеричная escape-последовательность (In regular expressions, a backslash followed by the letter "x" followed by a sequence of hexadecimal digits. It matches a character in the target sequence that has the value that is specified by the two digits)
hexadecimal escape sequenceшестнадцатеричная управляющая последовательность (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
illegal escape sequenceнедопустимая управляющая последовательность (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
illegal hexadecimal escape sequenceнедопустимая шестнадцатеричная управляющая последовательность (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
octal escape sequenceвосьмеричная escape-последовательность (In regular expressions, a backslash followed by one, two, or three octal digits (0-7). It matches a character in the target sequence that has the value that is specified by those digits)
unicode escape sequenceescape-последовательность Юникода (In regular expressions, a backslash followed by the letter "u" followed by four hexadecimal digits. It matches a character in the target sequence that has the value that is specified by the four digits)